He's Your Kid Too

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Two months later, Percy found himself going into labour, two weeks early.

They had been on their way into the dining Pavilion when his water broke, several campers starting to panic.

Will prayed to his father as one of his siblings checked Percy over quickly.

Apollo walked around the corner about a minute later, having come to really care for his unborn grandson.

Apollo took hold of Percy's hand, making sure Will and Nico were holding on too before turning to warn the other campers to close their eyes.

When Percy opened his eyes, he found himself stood in the middle of a white room, mortal medical equipment laying out on several surfaces.

Percy was placed onto the bed against the wall, worried when he could no longer see either of his boyfriends.

Percy gasped just as everything went blurry, his vision darkening.

Percy woke up hours later to an empty room, looking down to see that his clothes had been changed.

He heard the door open, turning to see Apollo walking into the room.

"What happened?" He asked, his mind still a bit hazy.

"We had to give you a C-section. Your body had apparently decided now was the time to reject the baby. Upon further investigation, it seemed your body was retaliating against Asher. It seems like he's going to be pretty powerful."

Percy nodded slowly, trying to take it all in.

He remembered a deep pain in his chest a day before his water broke. It returned just after, joined by a pain in his side that left him unable to talk.

It had been excruciating. He'd just hoped that everything was alright.

And it was.

"Can I see him?"

Apollo nodded, leaving the room to go and collect Asher, and hopefully, Nico and Will too.

He returned about five minutes later, Nico and Will following behind.

In Will's arms was baby Asher, wrapped up in a small bundle of blue blankets.

Will headed over to where Percy lay, Nico following behind him silently.

Percy held his arms out for his son, smiling up at Will as he handed him over.

Percy looked down at his son in his arms, his face bright and smile wide.

He looked from his son over to his boyfriends, frowning at Nico's awkward, slightly upset look.

Percy looked back at Asher, an idea popping into his head.

"Meet Asher di Angelo." He announced.

Nico startled, looking up at Percy, shocked.

Percy smiled at him, a smile so filled with love that Nico couldn't help but smile back, unclenching his fists.

Will wrapped his arm around Nico's shoulder, pulling him in for a hug as they watched their boyfriend interact with their son.

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