Their Gift Of Hope

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It was a few days later that Percy was released, excited to not be constantly supervised anymore.

He honestly didn't know how he thought going home meant he wasn't going to be constantly checked over.

Will and Nico were even worse than Apollo.

Apollo had flashed them home before flashing away, promising to visit soon.

Percy was confused when he looked around. Instead of finding himself inside the Hades cabin, he was stood outside of an unfamiliar house.

He turned to look at Nico and Will, bewildered, only to gasp when he saw the keys in Nico's hand.



Percy grinned, holding Asher securely to his chest in order to stop himself from bouncing up and down.

Nico smirked, unlocking the door and gesturing for them to go inside.

Will let Percy go first, the other two following not long after.

Percy's jaw dropped as he looked around. It was beautiful.

Percy kicked off his shoes by the door, walking through to the living room.

The living room had a black and gold theme, the black rug in the middle of the floor feeling really soft on Percy's tired feet.

Nico held out his hands, taking Asher from Percy as Will held Percy's hand, leading him into the kitchen.

Apart from the white walls and the dark tiled flooring, the furniture was either blue or black.

The cupboards were a dark blue, the counters having a black marbled pattern that worked well with them.

Growing up, Percy's mom had taught him how to bake so the idea of having a kitchen was amazing.

They headed out into the hallway, Will quickly showing Percy the storage cupboard as well as the laundry room.

They walked up the stairs, Percy looking at several pictures hung on the white walls.

Will smiled, noticing where Percy was looking.

"Hopefully now we'll get to put some pictures of Asher around the house too."

As they stood on the landing, Will pointed towards a door, pulling Percy along and opening the door to reveal a bathroom.

Just like the living room, the bathroom was also black and gold.

The sink was white marble, contrasting to the black cabinets.

They left the bathroom, heading for the door directly opposite it.

"The guest bedroom."

Percy awed, loving the blue and gold colours.

The floor was wooden, rather than a carpet.

The white curtains, walls and other white decorations stood out against the dark blue wall, setting a nice look.

The bedframe was a gold, almost yellow colour, which was something different for Percy to see.

Just hearing it, he wouldn't think the colours would go well together, but if done in the right way, it could look awesome.

They left the guest room, taking a quick look in the cupboard next to the bathroom before heading into the room to the left.

Percy squealed, loving the way they'd done the nursery.

The walls and carpet were a cream colour, a blue and white zigzagged rug in the middle.

The crib was wooden, painted a dark blue, placed against the right wall.

The bedsheet was yellow, a small black pillow resting against the corner of the crib. A black blanket rested over the side of the crib, matching the pillow.

Across the room sat a blue armchair, matching in colour with the crib.

A black throw was thrown over the back, a yellow pillow placed against it.

Against the wall, between the two pieces of furniture was a dresser, also the same shade of blue.

Above it, there were four little cartoon paintings of animals.

Percy hadn't realised he was crying until he felt Will's hand on his cheek, wiping them away.

He smiled at him, letting out a small laugh.

Will placed a kiss on his forehead before leading him out of the room and to the door next to the guest bedroom.

"Right, before we show you our room, you should probably have a look at this first."

Will opened the door, a black and gold office on the other side. Well, if you count the gold curtains as well as the gold pen on the desk, then yes, it was black and gold.

Everything else, from the walls to the furniture were black. Even the wooden floor was a very dark grey, almost black.

Will turned to look at Percy, an expression on his facing saying: hey, what can you do?

"This was supposed to be another spare bedroom but somebody decided they needed an office."

"I do!"

Percy giggled. It was such a Nico thing to do.

Percy turned around to face Nico, still holding Will's hand.

"How come the floor isn't black?" He asked.

"Somebody wouldn't let me." Nico scowled.

"You're not a vampire Nico. Gods, and to think I almost let you get away with the black curtains too."

Nico smiled sheepishly, looking down at Asher sleeping peacefully in his arms.

Will clapped his hands, looking excited.

"Right. Now let's go show you our room."

They exited the office, heading for the room directly opposite the nursery, the only one they hadn't been in yet.

The door opened, revealing exactly what Percy had always described as his dream bedroom.

In a way, the room was similar to the guest bedroom, except all of the white furniture was black.

The floor wasn't wooden, instead it was a soft cream coloured carpet.

Percy grinned at his boyfriends, leaning in to kiss them both on the lips before wiping away his tears.

There was two doors, both the same cream colour as the carpet.

Will opened one, a walk in closet on the other side.

He opened the other one, revealing an almost completely blue bathroom aside from the black counter and floor.

Percy gaped at the bathtub, looking more like a small hot tub.

Percy looked back at his boyfriends, astonished.

"How did you do all this?"

Nico smirked, looking smug.

"Hades owed me a few favours."

Percy laughed, reaching out for his son.

Once he was in his arms, Percy felt his heart melt, feeling completely on top of the world.

He had the best boyfriends who he loved very much. They loved him back just as much, something he had never expected.

And now he had his perfect little angel who was the light in their darkness.

Their gift of hope.

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