A Minute Of Silence For The Elderly Lady

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Percy had spent the last two weeks worrying.

At the time, Percy had been lustful, nothing else having mattered.

It was the next day when Percy remembered the conversation he'd had with his dad.

The one about children of Poseidon being able to get pregnant no matter what gender they are.

That probably would have been a good thing to mention to Will, but at the time, he hadn't remembered about it.

Percy groaned from where he was kneeling next to the toilet, his stomach feeling like it was in knots.

He'd thrown up about ten minutes ago, something he'd been expecting to happen for the last couple of days.

Will and Nico had already left for breakfast, and they were still expecting Percy to show up too.

If he was being honest, Percy didn't want to go.

The last time he'd tried to move from his little spot on the floor, he'd felt a wave a nausea wash over him, feeling a twinge go through his stomach.

The thought of breakfast sounded both good and bad to him. But the thought of getting up on the other hand...

Percy decided breakfast could wait.

Percy heard the door to the cabin open, two pairs of feet wandering around the room before heading for the bathroom.

He sighed as the door opened, Nico and Will appearing in the doorway.

He smiled up at them, already knowing he looked pathetic, practically hugging the toilet.

Will's eyebrows furrowed as he crouched down, reaching a hand out to place it on Percy's forehead.

"Percy, how many times have you thrown up?"

Percy's leg shook slightly, going unnoticed by Will.


Will nodded, turning to look back at Nico with a concerned expression.

Nico's lips pursed, watching Percy intently.

"Percy, do you know what's wrong?"

Percy's leg ceased its shaking briefly, quickly starting again, unable to stop permanently.

Percy nodded, turning to look away from them.

"Percy," he closed he eyes briefly, letting out a deep sigh, "what's wrong?"

Percy laughed nervously, unable to see how this could go well.

He muttered something, his voice too quiet for either Will, or Nico to hear.


Percy took a deep breath, bracing himself.

"I'm pregnant."

Percy figured their reactions were pretty good, Nico seemingly choking on air as Will sputtered, neither one seeming angry however.

"Okay." Nico spoke, his voice drawn out, slightly disbelieving. "Will, any words?"

Nico turned to look at Will, an eyebrow raised and lips pursed, looking smug.

Nico was lucky Will turned back to look Percy, not catching the smirk Nico was sending his way.

"Right. You're pregnant, I'm a dad. You're pregnant, I'm a dad. Wow, okay."

Nico rolled his eyes, wondering if Will could be any slower.

"No, he's a watermelon, you're Kronos." Nico paused, clapping his hands together once. "Right, now that we're done with introductions, let's get Mr. Watermelon over here off of the bathroom floor."

Will, threw a dirty look at Percy, as if saying: look at what you've done. That's all your fault. You did that. Have fun knowing you caused that.

Percy just smiled weakly, his eyes getting droopy. His knees hurt from kneeling on the tiled floor for so long.

They both walked over to Percy, supporting him as they slowly got him to stand up, noting how he winced when he took a step, his stomach cramping.

They gently lowered Percy down onto the bed, sitting either side of him. Will brought his hand up to drag through Percy's hair, calming him. At the same time, Nico rubbed soothing circles into Percy's abdomen, working out the tension in his muscles.

"Can I just say, I basically floored an old lady for those condoms. You know, the ones you didn't even use."

Percy scowled, not really caring at the moment, as bad as it sounds.

"Oh I'm sorry. A minute of silence for the elderly lady. She fell down the stairs. Oh no!"

Nico bit his lip, holding back a smile. He knew he shouldn't be smiling but Percy's reaction was honestly hilarious.

"We're not going to-"

"I said, a minute of silence for the elderly lady. Do you know what that means? It means we stay silent for a minute in respect of the elderly lady you beat up."

"I didn't-"

Nico didn't get to finish, cut off by the look Percy sent him.

So that's what they did, they sat in silence for a minute, paying their respects to the old lady Nico pushed down some stairs. She probably broke a hip, who knows.

But hey, at least they had enough condoms for next time. Hopefully no more elderly people will fall down a flight of stairs for a while.

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