Make Him Stop

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Nico woke up the next morning to tired giggles.

He turned over lazily, spotting Will kissing across Percy's stomach, Percy looking like he'd already thrown up this morning.

Nico smiled, cuddling into Percy's side, resting his head on his chest.

Percy smiled back at him, moving his hand to stroke his fingers through Nico's hair. In return, Nico leaned down and kissed Percy's stomach, moving his head back to Percy's chest.

They stayed like that until Percy tapped Nico's arm, indicating he needed to get up.

Nico moved, giving Percy enough space to jump out of bed and run to the bathroom.

Will grimaced as the sound of Percy throwing up reached them, sounding painful.

Percy came back looking miserable, his feet scuffing against the floor.

His eyes looked watery, confirming that it was indeed, painful.

Percy headed for the door, not caring that he was still barefoot in pyjamas.

He waved lazily at them, not turning around, before tumbling out of the cabin, heading to the dining Pavilion.

Nico heaved an exaggerated sigh, getting up and getting ready quickly. He ran out of the cabin, determined to catch up with Percy, Will hot on his tail.

They got to the Pavilion, finding Percy at the Poseidon table, nibbling on some crackers as he ignored the funny looks he was getting.

Nico and Will went and grabbed their own breakfast, joining Percy at the Poseidon table.

Percy's eye went wide as Nico started cussing at him in Italian, turning to Will with wide eyes.

"Will," he whispered, "make him stop."

Will turned to look at Nico, angrily eating his cereal, still swearing at Percy.

He then looked back at Percy, from his blown pupils, to his lips. Red and kissable, parted.

"Nico." Nico looked up upon hearing his name, raising an eyebrow. "I don't think you're using enough Italian."

Nico turned to look at Percy, watching as he stared at Will with a look of utter betrayal on his face.

"Will." Percy whined.

Percy just wanted to eat his crackers in peace, but Nico had to come in speaking Italian, his accent thickening as he went on.

Percy spent the rest of breakfast refusing to look at them, listening to Nico casually start speaking in Italian every so often.

Percy shivered as Nico was suddenly right next to him, his breath ghosting over his neck as he spoke.

Percy's breath hitched. Unable to take anymore, he stood, making his way back to the Hades cabin as Nico and Will laughed.

They had a good idea of what Percy was going off to do.

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