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The next day
At school

(Adrien quickly started to look for Marinette but sees Marinette and Luka talking together)

Adrien:*in his mind* Does Marinette have a crush on Luka? But I thought she loved me? Why did u lie to me Marinette?

( Adrien walks sadly to the classroom)

(Marinette and Luka also walk in the classroom talking happily )

In the classroom

Marinette: Do u mind if I sit next to Luka just for today?

Alya: Not at all girl.

Nino: Adrien why are u so sad today?

( Adrien doesn't answer but looks at Marinette and Luka)

Nino: Wait a minute, dude are u jealous of Luka and Marinette right now?

Adrien: No, the thing is that I miss my mom so much that's why.

Nino: I know u miss your mom dude but why do u keep looking at Marinette and luka ever 5 seconds huh?

Adrien: You See uhh..

Mrs. Bustier: Goodmorning everyone could we pls open our books to pg. 216 pls?

Adrien: *in his mind*phew saved by the teacher

(During the whole class hour Adrien couldn't stay focused because of Marinette and luka always smiling at each other)

At the end of the class

Mrs. bustier:Before u go remember to choose ur partner for the class project and remember that you can only choose one partner. Class dismissed

Outsde the classroom

Luka: So Marinette do u want to be my partner?

Marinette: Of course Luka.

Marinette:At the park today at 5:00 pm

Luka: Sounds great

Luka: Bye Marinette see u tonight

Marinette: Bye Luka

(Luka left)

(Adrien heard everything and becomes even more sadder)

(Marinette sees Adrien approaching her and quickly runs away)

Adrien*thinks*did I do something wrong? Why does she keep avoiding me. I was so blind that I lost my bestfriend that I actually do care about ,I'm such an idiot. And now I'm all alone ,I've lost 2 very important people in my life. First, my mom and second of all my bestfriend. If only I could bring my mom back and restore my friendship with Marinette. But for now I've just lost everything.

With Marinette

Marinette:*thinks in her mind* I can never confront Adrien ever, after what I saw the other day between him and Kagami.

(Alya sees Marinette running and calls her)

Alya: Hey girl

Marinette: Oh, hi Alya

Alya: Is everything okay?

Marinette: Yeah everything's fine

Alya:Okay, do u want to be my partner?

Marinette: Sorry but Luka already asked me and I said yes.

Alya: No problem I will text Nino to see if I can be his partner

(Alya texted Nino and Nino said yes)

Alya: He said yes

Marinette: Okay and I'm sorry by the way that I wasn't able to be your partner

IF I WERE HER(MIRACULOUS LADYBUG SPECIAL)Where stories live. Discover now