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That Night

At Marinette's House

(Marinette is still crying)

Tikki: Marinette, you have to stop crying. Or else Hawkmoth will try to akumatize u again.

Marinette: Tikki, he believed that liar.

Tikki: Marinette, everything will be fine.

Marinette: Everything won't be fine Tikki, he broke up with me.

(Marinette cries even more)

Tikki: Marinette I'm sure one day you will find that special someone to come into your life.

(Marinette wipes her tears)

Marinette: Thanks for the encouragement Tikki

(Marinette hugs Tikki)

Tikki: Anyways, it's time for you to go meet Catnoir for patrolling the city.

Marinette: *sad* You mean my ex-boyfriend.

Tikki: I'm sorry. I didn't mean...

Marinette: It's fine. I can't run away from him forever.

Marinette: Tikki!Spots On!

(Marinette transforms to Ladybug)

Ladybug:(sighs) Time to go see my ex.

(Ladybug swings away to the Eiffel tower

At the Eiffel Tower

Ladybug: *sad* Hey Catnoir

Catnoir: Hey Ladybug

(There was a moment of silence between the two)

Catnoir: So, ready to patrol the city?

Ladybug: Of course. I mean, why else are we here?

(Ladybug started to swing her yo-yo around the city)

Catnoir:*in his mind* I'm sorry Ladybug, I should've believed you.

(Catnoir then swings his stick)

(They both patrolled the city and are now back at the Eiffel tower)

Ladybug: I'll be leaving now

(Ladybug was about to leave but Catnoir stopped her)

Catnoir: M'lady, I'm sorry. I should've never believed Lila.

Ladybug: No, it's my fault I should've never dated someone like u.

(Ladybug quickly swung her yo-yo away)

Catnoir:(screams) LADYBUG! WAIT!

(Catnoir followed her)

Ladybug: Catnoir, pls stop following me.

Catnoir: Not, until you hear me out.

(Ladybug quickly jumped in her house through her trapdoor and locked it)

Ladybug: Spots Off!

(Ladybug detransformed)

(Catnoir is on her balcony knocking her trap door)

Marinette: Catnoir, just leave me alone.

Catnoir: Not, until u let me explain. Pls,  just open your trap door.

Marinette: I can't take the pain anymore Catnoir.

Catnoir: You give me no choice, cataclysm!

(Catnoir destroys the trap door)

IF I WERE HER(MIRACULOUS LADYBUG SPECIAL)Where stories live. Discover now