↬ Chapter 17 ↫

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3rd person

"Are they really letting us go alone into town?" Haechan asked as he clinched his hands around the reins more for a bit support while riding the horse together.

"No, there are guards basically everywhere and I mean, it would be annoying having a guard always following behind us." Mark explained, hands pulling on the reins to slow the horse down a bit. "And also, I got my dagger with me, no worries."

"And I have my fists." Haechan said as he let go of Mark's hands for a few seconds, posing with both of his arms lifted in the air.

"No we're not doing that. Also, I swear if you let go another time I will personally shove you off this horse." Mark snickered while fixing his eyes at the male in front of him, making sure the younger hasn't fallen off yet.

"Please, you could never." The hazel haired snorted as he sassed back, placing his hands on the reins again.

However this time a grasp was placed around them, making sure the younger won't let go randomly again. "Yeah, you're right." The king admitted behind the other, hugging the latter from behind as much as he could with reins between his digits.

Soon the big gates appeared in the distance, leading directly into the town of the castle. "We're almost there. Put your hood on." Mark commented with his eyes still on the path.

Just as the guards who are  guarding the gate saw the black haired king, they immediately nodded at each other and opened the gate for them to pass.

Riding through the town at walking pace, both of them had the time to look around a bit while slowly getting further and further between the houses and shops.

Haechan leaned back a bit, if that was even possible by how close they were sitting to each other on the saddle, resting his weight on Marks chest.

The hooves of the white horse created a tactful and quiet trapping sound on the stone paved ground as the passed a few people.

Flags with a symbol, which was a moon, of the coat of arms from the southern kingdom were hung up all across the streets, also from house to house across the road. The wind was creating an even waving of the dark blue flags, complimenting and the calm and balanced atmosphere.

Also some people stopped to look at the snow white horse passing by, which looked too familiar, with two figures on, cooing at the sweet sight while eyes tracing behind them.

"From here on we're going to walk. They dont allow horses at the downtown." Mark stated as he stopped his horse, hopping off of it and tethering it to a nearby hitch made out of wood, Donghyuck watching him from on top of the white stallion. The latter was a bit irritated by the loss of the comfortness, however also not accepting the fact that he was missing Mark behind him.

"Let's go." The raven haired smiled as he reached out his hand to help the younger to get off the horse. Haechan took the offer, both his feet meeting the ground, making a quiet noise.

Mark was about to let the youngers hand go again, yet their digits were still intertwined as the hazel haired tightened his grasp lightly, signalling the other he wanted to hold his hand.

The raven haired's smile just got wider as he giggled a bit, starting tracks to the famous marketplace in town.

Pulling his hood deeper into his face, Mark led the younger past the colourful houses and moving people while holding the hazel haired hand tightly.

Already sensible in the distance, both males heard the loud shouting of the market stall and shop owners, trying to promote their products the best they could. A few ownerless dogs and cats were straying around, getting spoiled by people and especially by kids who cooed at the cute little animals.

People were carrying around a lots of stuff such a baskets, all kinds of food or clothing out of all materials they had bought or they had to transport somewhere. Kids were playing and running all around the huge marketplace, accidentaly bumping into a few people, and friends were chit chattering and laughing.

Although the marketplace was so gigantic, there was no empty place. Everything was filled by stalls and crowds of people you could easily get lost in.

That's the reason behind the hazel haired fully clinching onto the taller's arm, really keeping an eye on not getting lost here.

Additionally it also felt very weird for the hazel haired to be outside a castle without his disguise and in his natural form. It was so new, but it surely felt refreshing.

Another thing being very refreshing here was also the in the air lingering sweet and flowery scent due to a florist stall being nearby.

"Wow. Look, they are so pretty." Haechan marvelled at the flowers being placed all around the dark wooden stall, pulling Mark's hand a bit to signal him to stop walking.

"You sure like flowers a lot." The older chuckled as he pulled the younger into direction stall, startling the latter a bit but he was following still.

The raven haired surely noticed how the younger kept staring at a yellow bouquet with red details. It was a mixture of narcissus, lilies, buttercups, triumph tulips and of course sunflowers, decorated with a few green plants between them.

"Excuse me, we would like to buy this one." Mark spoke to the lady behind the stall, making the hazel hit his arm in protest, whispering: "Mark, don't be silly, we could always pick flowers at the garden and not buy-" "Don't worry, I insist." The raven haired simply said as he pulled out his leather pouch, placing a few golden coins onto the table.

"Keep the change." "Sir, this is way too much." "That's unimportant. We greatly appreciate your service." Mark said politely while bowing his had a bit, taking the yellow bouquet into his hands.

"No, I have to thank you. Have a nice day." The lady squealed behind the stall, overwhelmed by the politeness and generosity. "You too." Mark said as both males distance themselves from the stall.

"Here. F-for you." The raven haired said as he handed the bouquet of flowers to the younger. The hazel haired accepted it gladly, a little smile on his face on the outside but on the inside he was squealing.

But the younger took the opportunity to tease the flustered older a bit more, stopping his tracks while pointing at a sunflower and then at the top of the ear with a cheeky and cute smile on his face.

Mark was so confused about what the younger meant but when he finally understood he took a sunflower out of the bouquet and put it behind the younger's ear, just like he did in the garden two days before.

As the raven haired was about to continue waking, Haechan stopped him again whole holding a tiny yellow buttercup between his fingers, proceeding to place it behind Mark's ear, carefully to not accidentally brushing the older's hood off.

"We're matching." The hazel haired giggled cutely with a little pout as he stared lovingly at the bouquet in his hands.

"Y-yeah." Mark just shuttered with a slightly red face, resisting his urge to place a peck on the youngers lips by starting to walk again, dragging the smaller behind him.

That day Donghyuck mentally noted that Mark was a sucker for cute things.


I'll never shut up about Mark being whipped whenever Hyuck does aegyo.


Hope you have a good day ♡

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