Fruity-Kaboom-Kebab Nuggets

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Chapter written partly by @trustlovebelieve.

Dedicated to Rita because she is the kindest, nicest, most selfless person I've ever met, and you can't get much nicer than she is(srly). And she doesn't swear, which is something cool about her.



  I fastened my metal armor firmly, checking for loose places. I never liked wearing it. Heavy and sweaty.

  I discussed plans with the other senior counselors. Jake Mason and Hephaestus cabin had their stash of mechanical dummies to dispose at the left flank of the forest, as a trap. There, the Demeter kids, Katie Gardner told me, will be waiting for the opponent attackers and turning them  into fruit kebabs. Meanwhile, the assault team: Me, Jenny, May, Will, and two of Apollo kids, will go through the secret underground tunnels to reach their flag. We trust May to guide us through the tunnels. The remaining of the Apollo cabin, and Hephaestus cabin will remain as defenders, arranged in a zigzag pattern on the clearing to the flag, well hidden and camouflaged. They will throw obstacles such as greek fire, arrows, and stink bombs. Hecate cabin kids will confuse enemies by messing with the Mist, misdirecting their route to the flag. Athena kids will be lead by Malcolm, attacking by center and right flank, serving as our offense. Perhaps buying us enough time to attack from inside their territory.

  “When you see the shadowhunter guy with good looks, gold eyes, and gold hair, and arrogant attitude, don’t you ever pity him.” I glared at the defenders, twirling my dagger. I must’ve looked pretty scary, with my dyed hair and stormy eyes. They sure did looked terrified. Mission accomplished. Threatened my allies.

  Our plan was mainly playing the cautious, defensive role, while the red team would no doubt play the dauntless, offensive, role. I wonder if my mother, Athena, would approve of this plan. I had butterflies in my stomach.

  I can't ignore the truth. The Assault team was our only hope.

Rita, on the other side...

  Even though I don’t know much about the shadowhunters, I have a pretty good idea of what things they do. I admire how they could move so swiftly, yet flawlessly. But now’s not the time to admire, it’s time to battle! I have already gone off topic and Clarisse, Ares’s senior counselor, was already in the middle of explaining our plan.

  “...alright, before we punch the guts out their puny defenders, Martin and the Hypnos kids, you punks get them to fall asleep. Then we’ll start having the fun and take a charge to their flag, splitting in to two directions: Center and right flank. Nemesis and Hermes kids, attack by left flank. Nemesis people, if you punks get beaten up, procede to FCA.”

  Someone elbowed me. I turned. She had long black hair, and pretty blue eyes. I recognized her face immediately. Izzy Lightwood, one of the shadowhunters, or if you want to call her by her full name, Isabelle Lightwood. “What’s FCA?” She asked me with a single raised eyebrow, giving off a quizzical look. Even though she’s confused, she still looks very pretty. Dang it! I’ve got off topic again!

  “FCA means Fortune Cookie Assault,” I explained, stiffling a laugh, “Since they’re the Nemesis’s children, they can summon fortune cookies with bad fortune in them.”

  Isabelle snorted in laughter.

  I mounted up my courage. “Izzy, you know when we were dueling, right?”

  Her smile faded.

  I continued. “What did you see that made you stop and freeze? What happened?”

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