Chapter 26

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"To love is to be selfless."


"Today was a long day." Sierra yawned as she plopped onto the bed beside me. I nodded, folding my arms behind my head. She sighed, tugging on her shorts and my t-shirt she was wearing. She claimed that she slept better in big t-shirts but I think she just wanted to wear my clothes. 

"What are you thinking about?" She asked while staring at me. I frowned, shaking my head.

"My sister." Well, technically at the time I wasn't but prior to her invasion of my thoughts that she was unaware of- Morgan was on my mind.

"What about her?"

"I just worry about her. My parents took her and some of her friends on a trip to Disney Land. I guess it's their way of distracting her or something. I just know she won't be able to handle their divorce well." 

"Stuff like that is never easy. I'm sorry you guys have to go through that." I groaned, scooting closer to her so now our faces were facing each other.

"You always know what to say, huh?" She smirked, coyly biting her lip as she looked away briefly.


"I think it's a natural thing for you, you just love comforting people. Like the way you did with Ander when we found out about his Mom, and Percy having that mental breakdown over the essay he had to write. Even when Toby has his moments, you're always there. Especially for me." Her eyes glistened over and she forced a chuckle. 

"I hate when you put me on the spot like this." 

"Can I tell you something?" I whispered as I glanced at her warm lips for a moment.


"The first time we met, it wasn't my first day back at school. I only pretended that it was to get you to talk to me." She giggled, covering her mouth slightly before touching my hand.

"Oh I know! Toby told me that you guys had returned from a student exchange program a while back before that day."

"That's not the only thing I wanted to tell you." 

"Then what else is there?"

"Do you know why I hated you spending so much time with Toby? And the way you and Ander would flirt with each other? Or even the fact that you spent the night at Percy's." She furrowed her brows and tilted her head slightly.

"Uhh-... you don't like how well I get along with the boys because I was your friend first and you feel replaceable?" I looked down, fighting the urge to laugh before shaking my head and forcing out a no in between my laughter. She giggled, trying to get me to look at her again.

"Then what is it? Tell me!" She whined. I sighed, brushing my fingers along her cheek as I stared into her eyes. I've been waiting for this very moment, where I could tell her how I really feel.

"It's because-..." 

"Because what?" She whispered, leaning closer to me.

"It's because I love you, Sierra. I- I'm in love with you, ever since the day that we met and from then on. I love you!" Her breath is shaky and her gaze intense. A tear slips from the corner of her right eye.

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