Chapter 28

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"Ignorance is the comfort of unwanted change."


I yawned, covering my mouth as I leaned against the wall. The doors to the elevator closed and I sighed, closing my eyes. Today hadn't gone the way I expected it to at all. I wished Percy and Ander were in their right minds because then we'd at least have someone on our side. Those bloody fools! Sierra has been going back and forth with herself until she fell asleep. I'd be lying if I said that what happened between Sierra and I was out of sheer lust or it was just a moment. What happened between us last night was a built up of everything we felt for each other and I would never regret that. I'd do it all over again if could. She was so raw with me- so in tune with herself that it was all just natural. The way she looked at me, held me, kissed me was so intensely intimate that it made me shudder. Covering my mouth, I tried to stop myself from blushing as the elevator halted and the doors popped open. I waved at the receptionist as she smiled.

"Hey Lisa!"

"Good day, Mr. Woods! Can I help you?"

"Can you ask the valet to bring my car around?" I questioned while propping my elbows on the counter. She nodded, typing away on her computer before heading over to the phone to make a call. I awkwardly fiddled with the bell on the counter as I waited for her.

"The valet will bring your car right away, Mr. Woods!"

"Thank you, Lisa!"

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Woods?" 

"That's all I need for now, thank you!" She smiled that bright smile of hers as she waved at me. I headed out to the front, taking the keys from the valet after thanking him. 

"Where are you going with the car?" I sighed, plopping down in the drivers seat and closing the door. Toby knocked against the glass and I took down just enough for him to see my eyes.

"Can I help you?"

"Where are you going with the car? I need it."

"I need it too. Hence the reason I am in the car, Tobs. Would you like to come along?" He clenched his jaw, stuck his hands in the pockets of his shorts before looking around as if in search for another option. I sent the window up and buckled myself in before I heard the passenger side door open. He said nothing as he buckled himself up in silence and then turned the radio on. 

"Are you going to say anything or what?" I questioned as we pulled up to a traffic light. He folded his arms, sighed and then unfolded them. Adjusted the cap on his head and then threw the hood of his hoodie over it.

"Why now?" Confused, I gazed at him.

"Why now what?"

"Of all the times you could have made a move on her, why now?" I licked my lips, diverting my attention onto the road as the light turned green. 

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