Chapter 27

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"And she was made to lose herself in order to claim her independence."


I dreamt of a wildflower meadow filled with a disarray of multiple colors and bare feet. A sun that rose with glory and woke the trees and the birds and they all sang together to create the song of nature. It was peaceful and it was just me alone, naked as a babe. My toes would dig into the earth, uprooting fresh soil and I could run. I could run so fast that my feet would no longer touch the ground. I was flying, soaring high into the sky, fingers out stretched as I reached for the Sun and she winked at me. Promising me a tomorrow where things would be just as great as today or maybe better. Then I could feel myself slowly drifting- falling but delicately. Only to look down and see him there as my anchor. Keeping me steady whenever I was ready to fly away. When I had finally fell into his arms, they wrapped me in warmth and I melted into a slumber that was light, though when I woke there he was. His face, snuggled close to me was clear as perfect vision. He slept with worries and I reached over to soothe him. Running my fingers gently along his cheeks, then his jaw and his partially parted lips. I was blissful. Quickly but slowly, I climbed out of bed and headed to the shower. As the warm, steamy water dripped along my skin I moaned, feeling my muscles settle.

Last night with Xavier seemed almost fictitious. I still couldn't grasp how it all happened but I knew for sure that I enjoyed every second of it and my body still till this very moment could memorize every single place he had touched me. It was impossible to forget because it was so pure. As I lathered my wash cloth with soap and rubbed it along my body, it tingled with familiarity and there wasn't a second where I never thought of him. How gentle he was and precise. The things he said to me with meaning because his eyes solidified his intentions that were easily conveyed through his actions. He spoke words to me that were only said in books. Our relationship has been rocky for the most part but one thing always remained- the love we have for each other. Constant. I changed into some shorts and a hoodie as I fondled with my hair before brushing my teeth. Today, I had a feeling was going to be a good day.

"Good morning." He chimed while rubbing his eyes and yawning while he sat at the edge of the bed. I smiled, running my fingers through his hair before his arms encircled me. 

"Did you sleep well?" I queried and he chuckled, forcing my legs apart with his knees so that I could straddle him. 

"Of course I did! Did you?"

"Same!" He looked up at me- just staring for a brief moment.


"You just look so good. I just wanted to look at you for a bit." I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"You need to brush your teeth and shower." 

"I smell like sex, huh?" He teased while wiggling his brows. I slapped his arms and then tried to get out of his grip to no avail.

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