Act 2: Creating Darius Oliver

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Scene 1:

Clive took a flight to Sydney that lasted 20 hours. By the time he got there, it's the very late afternoon, getting significantly darker. He slept a bit on the plane, so he wasn't too exhausted, and decided to take care of the fake ID as quickly as possible. He exited the airport and entered a taxi.

[Driver starts the car]

Driver: Hello sir. Where should I take you?

Clive: Hello, I need to go to mount druitt.

Driver: Right now? It's getting dark.

Clive: Yeah, I'm aware.

Driver: I should warn you, Mount Druitt at night is no place for a tourist.

Clive: I'm aware of the stereotypes, but I really need to go there.

Driver: It's really not a stereotype. It's reality, there are a lot of gangsters there.

Clive: Look, Mr. Taxi Driver...

Driver: (interrupting him) That's not my name.

Clive: Well, it's your fault for not wearing a name tag. And I have to go there to do some shopping.

Driver: Okay, okay, but you're on your own... (whispers) Just like that junkie that was here a year ago.

Clive: I heard that. Did you just call me a junkie?

Driver: What? No! 

Clive: Eh, whatever. Just take me there.

[There's an awkward silence for the next 15 minutes. Then, the driver finally stops at Mount Druitt]

Driver: That will be 10.20 A$.

Clive: (handing him the money) There you go. Have a good evening, sir.

[Clive leaves the car. The driver opens the glove compartment and picks up what seems to be a diary. He opens it and reads a specific page]

Driver: I knew I wasn't crazy. Unbelievable. The exact same thing happened on the exact same day last year. Maybe it's international Mount Druitt junkie day... I better get outta this place.

Scene 2:

Clive wandered around Mount Druitt in the dark, asking people for Aussie Joe, but none of them seemed to know of his whereabouts. He then went through a dark alley, and a robber with a mask and a knife stops him.

Robber: Give me all your money, rich boy.

Clive: (surprisingly calm) I wouldn't call myself rich, but I do have some cash.

Robber: (also calm) Well, you certainly aren't poor, mate. Now hand over that sweet cash.

Clive: I will, but... Do you, by any chance, know where Aussie Joe is?

Robber: Oh. I'm so sorry mate, I didn't think you were a fellow criminal. Aussie Joe works over there (points to an abandoned office across the street). That's the forged documents section. The mafia is reportedly thinking about turning it into a kidnapping spot, but you know how it is, these things usually take years. But yeah, if you're looking for Aussie Joe, he's over there, just knock on the door.

Clive: Thank you, sir. Do you still want the money?

Robber: Oh no, no! I don't steal co-workers. What kind of monster would I be if I robbed a criminal, right? I only steal from innocent people.

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