Act 7: Oil

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Scene 1: 

The rest of term 1 went by, and so did term 2. These last few days have been very stressful for Clive, will all the tests and school projects. It also went pretty normally, with no more bets or fighting. He also hasn't seen Linda again. But luckily, it's over, and as promised, Kimi really took them to Coral Bay. Right now, they're arriving at Kimi's girlfriend's place, after more than 50 hours of driving. They're tired, after two days of driving and sleeping in the car. It's also a bit cold, since they're now in the Winter.

[The three of them get out of the Holden, and are about to enter a cozy house]

Kimi: Gentlemen, we've arrived.

Clive: Seems like a really cool place.

Leonard: A bit small, but will do.

Kimi: And that's exactly what Claire will say, if you ever have sex with her.

Leonard: (fake laughing) Very funny.

[They are now waiting by the door]

Clive: So, is someone gonna open the door, or what?

Kimi: Don't worry, I just texted Alisa, she will be opening the door any minute now.

Leonard: Her name is Alisa? Let's just hope she doesn't turn into a robot, to kill us.

Clive: (laughs) Keep her away from anyone named Lars.

Kimi: Ha ha, very funny, can we stop with the Tekken jokes now?

[Alisa opens the door. Turns out, she does look exactly like in the pictures. Kimi went on to kiss her right away, as Clive and Leonard were shocked to see she really looked like the one in the pics]

Alisa: Babe, I've missed you.

Kimi: I've missed you too, sweetie... By the way, these are my friends, Leonard and Darius.

Alisa: Nice to meet you guys.

Clive and Leonard: Nice to meet you too!

Alisa: So, let's go inside, I'll show you the house.

Kimi: Thank god, this cold is freezing my brain.

[They enter, and Alisa quickly gives them a tour around the small, yet cozy house]

Leonard: (whispering in Clive's ear) Mate, I'm a bit sleep deprived, since the car is uncomfortable, so... Am I hallucinating, or does she look exactly like those pics he showed?

Clive: She does look like that... Dude, I bet Kimi is using pheromones.

[Clive and Leonard then proceed to unpack in their room, and then come back to the living room. The four of them drinnk some chocolate milk, while watching TV in the couch]

Clive: So, Alisa, how did you and Kimi meet?

Alisa: It's actually a funny story. We actually started playing this videogame together, called...

Kimi: (interrupting her, nervously) Babe, they don't need to know the whole story.

Leonard: (realizing Kimi is trying to hide something) Of course we do!

Clive: We'd love to hear the whole story.

Kimi: We knew each other from a videogame, we met in real life, the end. That's the story.

Alisa: Well, that's a really short version of the actual story.

Clive: C'mon, tell the long version.

Leonard: Yeah, we really wanna know the long version.

Alisa: Well, like I was saying, it all started in a videogame.

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