Act 6: Sacred Rivals

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Scene 1:

Some weeks have passed. It's now March. Clive's bet master plan is working so unbelievably well, that Leonard, Kimi and himself are earning lots of cash through it. More and more people keep joining in, and since Noah and Saskia keep on winning prizes and competitions here and there, so does Clive and his friends. However, more people are noticing the pattern, and realizing how Noah and Saskia just win everything. For the two of them, it seems that life is perfect, but little do they know, that someone is betting on them, and those bets are becoming a ticking time bomb. But right now, Clive is arriving to the school alongside Kimi in a cloudy Autumn morning, and the two are in the middle of the conversation.

Kimi: Like, they were just left there, on the locker room floor. They probably had been there since the school wars, and nobody picked them up.

Clive: That's weird. How could people from East Brissy forget their uniforms in this school and not come back for them?

Kimi: What's even weirder is that I tried to give them to the Janitor, so that he'd put them in the 'Lost and found', but he can't, 'cause they're uniforms from another school. And they can't just send them back either.

Clive: So, they can host a school wars event with both schools, but they can't return a bunch of uniforms to East Brissy? That's just weird. So what you gonna do with them?

Kimi: I don't know. I left them at my house. I'll eventually go to East Brissy and return them myself. It's nice to know I have an excuse to pay East Brissy a visit, if I ever need to.

[Suddenly, they get interrupted by a kid from Year 8]

Kid: Hey, you're the guys with the bets, right?

Clive: Damn right, we are. 

Kid: I keep hearing stories about people making tons of money off of it. I wanna bet 50 bucks myself.

Kimi: And you came to the right people.

Clive: (pulls out some papers from his backpack) So,let's see. (Searching through them) Well, the next thing we have is a prize for the best geography essay, with the winner getting two tickets to an exclusive field trip. Now, you can bet on Max, or you can bet on Indy, or you can bet on both, or you can bet on someone else winning it. Where would you like to put your money?

Kid: I'll put on both.

Kimi: Good choice.

Clive: Alright, what's your name again?

Kid: Brandon. I'm on Year 8.

Clive: (writing) Alright, Brandon, Year 8, puts 50 bucks on both.... Okay, so we're gonna find out right now in our class, come talk to us again to find the results.

Kid: Okay, thanks guys.

[The kid goes away. 5 more instances like this happened on their way to class]

Clive: Jesus Christ, we're getting rich out of this.

[Leonard joins them]

Kimi: Mate, we had 6 offers like just now.

Leonard: That's great. I'm getting so rich out of this, I had to tell my mom I got a part time job.

Clive: Bruh, this master plan is really going well.

Kimi: You bet, look at this (shows them his bank account balance).

Clive: Dude, that's a lot of cash.

Kimi: I know. Enough to buy that Holden Monaro from 2005 I had my eye on. 

Leonard: You're buying a car?

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