Act 3: Red Fire is back

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Scene 1:

A few days have passed. Clive is now living in Brisbane, with Reverend Chuck and his wife, Maggie. He got along pretty well with them, and their new house is incredible. As far as school is concerned, he had two options: Red Fire High or East Brisbane High. He chose Red Fire because of the cooler name. Now, it is the first day of class of Year 10. He woke up, put on his uniform and is currently eating breakfast.

Clive: (biting a vegemite sandwich) This is really good.

Reverend: Glad you like it, son.

Maggie: So, ready for your first day on the new school?

Clive: I'd say yes. Can't wait to see what Red Fire has in store. 

Reverend: It is a great school. I studied there when I was a kid.

Maggie: I'm pretty sure it's probably different now.

Reverend: It is, but maybe they've preserved some of the traditions. Like the school wars, for example.

Clive: What the hell is the school wars?

Reverend: Back in my day, it was this event where Red Fire and East Brissy would compete in a bunch of challenges. I'm not sure if they still do it.

Clive: (finishes eating) I think I'm heading off to school.

Maggie: Are you sure you don't want us to take you?

Clive: I'm sure. Besides, walking is healthy... Now bye mom and dad.

Maggie: Bye Darius.

Clive: Go get 'em, champ.

[Clive leaves]

Maggie: Do you think he'll like the school?

Reverend: Yeah. If it's still like in my days, it is a good school.

[Clive is walking to the school, when he gets distracted on his phone and crashes into a kid. Luckily, it was a familiar face]

Clive: Oh, sorry... (looks at him) Leonard?

Leonard: Darius? Wow, I didn't know you were from Brissy.

[They shake hands]

Clive: I just moved here, actually... (notices his uniform) Looks like we're going to the same school.

Leonard: Yeah. You're on Year 10 too?

Clive: Yep.

Leonard: Cool. Come, I'll show you around.

[The two begin walking towards the school together]

Clive: So, what's Red Fire like?

Leonard: Meh. Kinda decent. Last year was kinda good. Too bad this year is gonna suck.

Clive: Way to stay positive, man!

Leonard: (laughs) But it's true. I have a feeling this year is gonna suck for me. Especially 'cause a lot has changed from last year.

Clive: What has changed?

Leonard: Well, the school itself is kinda the same. But I wanted to change to East Brissy. My parents didn't let me.

Clive: I actually had to choose between those two. Apparently I didn't make the right choice.

Leonard: I actually wanted to change because of some people from my class last year, who changed to that school. Including Claire.

Clive: Who's Claire?... Wait, I got this one... Claire is a girl you've been crushing on, right?

Leonard: Right on the money, mate. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had to change because her friend Tiffany also went to East Brissy, with her boyfriend Kaipo.

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