Training and Visits

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Kane's POV

      "You know, there's other things you can do besides work out." Dillan tells me as I warm up in my home gym. When he saw that I have most of the same stuff as his gym does, he called me a gym freak and asked me why I go to theirs anyways. I told him motivating yourself outside of home is a lot easier than when your bed is upstairs.

       And he didn't argue with that.

       "I do plenty of things other than work out." I tell him as I stretch out my legs.

        "Like what?"

         I smirk as I turn to him and raise my brow. "You for example. You take up an ample amount of my time. You've even make me lazy during the mornings since you give me enough of a workout." I tell him and he snorts as me and shrugs his shoulders.

          "That doesn't count. What do you do for your own enjoyment?" He asks and I debate on sharing a little but about myself. The two of us have kept things simple when it comes to conversation and even sex. We drink, talk about the people around us and then end up in bed for a couple of hours before we go to sleep.

     Though lately, when I wake up around four, I find myself wrapped around a still sleeping Dillan.

      I keep that to myself however. This little arrangement we have works too well for me to give it up over unwelcome cuddling.

       "Do you really want to know?" I ask him with a raised brow and he think about it whirl looking at me before sighing and shrugging his shoulders.

          "Why not?"

           "I box. And I street fight. One day I plan on being a profession boxer, but in the mean time I do any type of training I can." I tell him and when I look up at him, I expect for him to laugh like so many before him or even tell me that's not a real job, but his head is titled to the side as he just looks at me.

        "I could see that. You being a boxer." He says and I stop my stretches for a moment to stare at him as a weird feeling settles in my chest. "What?" He asks, looking down at himself to make sure he doesn't look a mess but I shake my head.

          "Nothing. That's just not the response I usually get." I tell him before I continue to stretch my body and he responds with a butter tone.

         "People in this world will find any excuse to beat people down, even if they don't deserve it. Even if they haven't done anything. Don't pay attention to those people because all the care about is being the best even if that means ruining other people's dream." He tells me and I snort to myself. I hear him scoff in annoyance but before he can get irritated I sooth him.

        "No you're right about that. It's just, that's the most I've heard you talk while sober." I tell him hoping he won't take offense and he doesn't as he hums his understanding.

        "Surprised?" He asks me and I turn to grin at him.

         "Pleasantly." I tell him and he gives me a surprised smile. And if I didn't know any better I would swear up and down that his cheeks had. pinkish tint to them.

         "I thought you said that today was your day of rest." He tells em skeptically as I pull a mat out from a cubby on the side of the room and I chuckle to myself.

          "It is. This is how I rest. With yoga." I tell him and he looks at me as if I have three heads.

          "Most people rest with twelve hours of sleep, a book and a tub of icecream in bed." He tells me and I shiver in disgust at the visual.

         "That sounds very unhealthy and lazy." I tell him and he nods to me as if I'm the slow ones here.

         "Exactly. That's the point." He says and I just give me a deadpanned expression. He continues to sit there and watch as I begin to go through my more soothing motions, something I need after such a week that started out as annoying as it could fucking get before it ended, some how with a body in my bed and in my arms when I wake up everyday.

      When I find myself stretching into a butterfly, Dillan speaks up with a smile. "You know, I was so sure that you were an asshole when we met." He tells me and I laugh at him.

       "Don't let me fool you. That's exactly what I am." I tell him with a serious expression b it he shakes his head no.

         "Nah. I think you're just a big old softie with anger issues." He tells me and I roll my eyes at him for the description.

         We banter back and forth with each other, male trying to focus and him trying to help me "relax" until suddenly my doorbell goes off. I frown as I look at him and I can see his walls go up in an instant, whatever thoughts he has going on in his head probably not even close to whatever happening.

        "That better not be who I think it is." I say as I get up with an irritated expression as I make my wya out of the gym and toward the door. Dillan gets up and follows me behind.

         "Your boyfriend?" He says and my eyebrows shooting before I turn around to look at him in surprise.

         "My sister." I watch as his cheeks flame up but I ignore it was I reach the door and pull it open.

        And sure enough on the other side, it's the spawn of satan herself.

Dude I love these two so much. I really can't wait to see how this book turns out. All of my books are starting the angsts or the star of the relationship except for this one. But don't worry next week you're going to love the content.



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