Taunting and Whispers

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Dillan's POV

I feel Kane pull me into his house, his arms wrapped around em tightly as my tears splash against him, wanting to get as close to him as possible.

And I hate myself so much.

The one time that I have the chance to finally fix the brown pieces that was left of my life I'm able to fuck it up in less than two minutes.

And I under now why he always told me to be good. Or to calm down vea ayer my emotional are so in considerate and that's my own fault too. I haven't left myself really feel anything and so long and now that I am, it all feels so real and big and important.

And I can't deny that it doesn't help that Kane's family is so similar to Curtis' that it's scary.

Here I am, thee years later still fucking up whatever dreams and aspirations my boyfriend has all because I couldn't just sit there and take this. And this time is was over something thats so dumb it could have fuxking waited. Just like me not feeling good that night.

And the feelings of it come crashing down on me and I try to shake my head to get back in the presents but I can't breath and the time period seems to slow down and warp until I'm not sure if I'm leaving a party, running toward Kane or standing in his arms as he shushes me and rocks me, making sure I'm okay even though I'm the one that fucked up his dreams.

Before I can tell him what happened that day, the doorbell is rung and I can't even make a move to open it before it's opened and in walks in the wicked witch of the bitch and her daughter, the two of them walking in with smug expression. Though of course, his mother face falls when she sees it's me.

"Dillan. You're here." She says and J don't say anything, trying to not be obnoxious anymore so that Kane won't push me away again. "Kane, darling, I'm so sorry about the fight. I know we talked about doing the internship while we were on the phone. We were coming to get you out of bed but you appear to be busy. We'll come back later." The two of them leave again but my eyes are on Kane, even as his avoids mine.

"What was she talking about?" I ask him? my voice still wobbling from my tears and he shakes his head, tired eyes letting mine finally and the pain and emptiness in them makes me want to break down and cry for days.

"Nothing. I just- Can we- I'm sorry." Hes unable to get his words out but I get it, each and every word he tries to share I get it and it makes my heart ache as I think about what this is doing to him. And what's it might do to us.

"Let's go lay down." I tell him and he nods.

I lead Kane back up the stairs to his room, watching him limp and struggle to get up the stairs and i try not to let the tears in my eyes show. I know that he wouldn't hate anything more than me trying to help, but looking at him struggle like this makes me want to punch someone, either his mother or myself I don't know.

We get in the room and the two of us lay down, for the first time facing each other, hazel eyes to green as we lay there and look at each other.

And I don't know if he can feel it, but I know that something isn't right and something bad is coming. And I don't think either of us are ready.

Okay there at 6 chapters left and this is a filler one. The last six are all important except of course the last two which are the endings and are usually shorter. Already, this is the most chapters I've had ready to update ever and I still have at the very least ten more to go.



QOTD: Do you like carrot cake?

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