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Every day it gets worse.

I feel I am so empty, so lost.

There's no one I can count on.

I need someone to love me endlessly.

I need someone.

Someone else to complete me.

I'm so lonely.


I'm crying in a practice room, and it's not because of music. It's because...the bullies, my soulmate, the new colors club. I'm crying because of my life.

At least I have music. The music notes on the sheets are all in black and white naturally, my mum told me. So at least I'm not missing out on anything when doing something I love most.

It's a bit sad I don't get to see the glossy "brown" of my violin - it's all gray to me - but it will be okay.

I wonder what brown looks like.

Maybe I'll find out soon.

But right now I'm crying my eyes out, fogging up my glasses, tears dripping down my cheeks. I take a fist and rub my eyes roughly. At least no one can see me here.

I had to drag myself back to the hallway outside my classroom, struggle to pick up all my books and stumble to the closest empty practice room.

All I saw on the walls on the way there were posters for the new colors club. Almost the whole school is planning on going, you have to be deaf not to know that. The club starts tomorrow.

I feel a horrible zing on my inner right arm and clench my teeth in pain. I reluctantly look at the bruise looming on my arm. There's one on my leg too. And my face.

I can only be glad they didn't get my wrists or fingers.

But it still...hurts!

I don't understand how those people can be like this. How can their soulmates love them for who they are?

I close my eyes and sigh, trying to ignore the pain inside me.

It isn't just physical pain.


By the time I reach home, it's already evening. I texted my mum earlier, saying I would be home late. I used "practice" as an excuse, but really I was just crying, pitying myself, and trying to wash my wounds. I'll get proper care at home, but I'm really dreading to face her worrying looks and nervous frown when she hears what happened.

The lights in the kitchen are on, and I can see the silhouette of my mum through the window. I take a deep breath and unlock the front door with my key.

The door squeaks and my mum hears. She turns with a smile on her face, but the smile is gone when she takes a good look at me.

"Oh, Brett, what happened?"

I don't answer, and I don't need to because she doesn't wait for me to say anything. Just drags me to the bathroom, where she keeps all her medicine and creams.

As she works on my bruises, I eventually tell her what happened. There isn't much to explain, I've been bullied like this before, so she knows.

The main problem is the colors club.

I remember clearly, my mum got the email last night. She told me right away, so I wouldn't get a shock when I heard it in school, though she seemed reluctant and I knew she was worried for my mental health. She knows how sensitive I am about the whole soulmate thing.

Now, as she puts the final bandage and pats me on the back, she says, "You WILL find them, in fact, I think it might be time to try again, it's been too long, we can go if you want..."

Wait WHAT?!

My head snaps up, my bangs flying like crazy. "You mean it? We can try to find my soulmate??"

My mum is smiling. "I think it's time. Maybe we'll get lucky! You know I just want you to be happy."

"So...during spring break?"

She nods, "Yes, that's the most logical time to do it." She hesitates, and her voice gets softer as she adds, "I have a good feeling about this one."

And so, it's set. I just have to survive the next few weeks...and the colors club.


A/N: I know, I know, you're thinking, Brett's going to find his soulmate quickly then, but NO. Believe me. You need to keep on reading because it is NOT going to be that easy.

Remember to VOTE and COMMENT! Much appreciated!

Colored Footsteps [Breddy Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now