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The aura of awkward silence doesn't let up, even after driving for almost an hour. We're already almost at the first hotel, and not one word had been said, other than, "Do you want the radio on?" And "Yep, classical music is good."

I shift awkwardly in my seat, using the oppurtunity to sneak a glance at the counter on my wrist. It's usually covered with some sort of clothing, but fidgeting around makes it easier to inconspicuously look at it.

A flush of giddy feelings stream from my head to my heart, trumping all the flutters of pain. It's going to be okay.

Hopefully I'll never see my troublemaking parents again. Soon.


As I step into the rustic hotel, my eyes instantly pick up on the painting next to the main window. My painting. The floorboards creak underneath my feet, threatening to snap into a million pieces at any second, but I'm used to it. I've been here so many times.

I chuckle as I catch sight of the little spill of white paint on the corner of the canvas. I clearly remember painting this one, and how my clumsy elbow somehow kicked over that little can...it had happened before actually, but I usually don't sell those. Those are for my own private collection.

This one, however, I had not planned to sell originally, but had ended up finding someone who wanted it anyway. The owner of the hotel, to be exact. The same person walking up behind me right now.

"Hey, Eddy! Good to see you again. How's it...going?" She lowers her voice at the last word, looking around for my father.

She thankfully knows about all my parent's controversial beliefs, and how I don't agree with them. She's probably the only person I trust right now, and even then I still can't risk telling her about my well-crafted plan. All she knows is that I am practically dying to find my soulmate.

"Pretty good, actually," I confess, speaking the truth. "How's it going for you, Wendy? I heard the cafe you own next to this place was going through some renovations. What made you want to get rid of that statue in the front?"

Wendy laughs, "I don't know where you heard that from, but we definitely aren't getting rid of that old falcon statue! We're just moving it, don't worry. But yeah, the new adjustments look great actually...so, did you cook up any new artwork over the past year? And gosh, you've gotten so tall, too, Eddy-"

A loud creaking signals that the door to the hotel is being opened. In steps my father, carrying a few of the paintings I stacked in the trunk of the car earlier.

"Eddy, you could've at least helped me carry some of your paintings!" He says in fake exasperation.

I laugh, "Come on, they're so light!" It feels so weird to be this carefree. Normally I'm as stiff as a log, paranoid as a military soldier.

"Hey Mr. Chen," Wendy says cheerfully. "Here, I'll take those. Can't wait to see what your talented son has done this time." She winks at me and steps forward to pick up the pile from my father's arms.

We're interrupted by another door creak, except this time it comes from the other side of the hotel, from the back room. The door opens and a handsome young man steps through. My father's shoulders tighten as he sees him, and turns around abruptly, averting his eyes.

"Hey," I say with a friendly smile. The man with light gray hair and more gray eyes greets me similarly.

I don't see him as much as Wendy, but he's still nice. Tyler, aka Wendy's soulmate, can honestly be kind of annoying sometimes. They both like to watch me paint whenever I come over, but the way Tyler just sits there and watched my every move if kind of creepy. At least when Wendy does the same she respects my space and doesn't stare at me like a creepy idiot.

"...so, we should probably be getting Eddy and his father to their rooms, alright guys?" Tyler decides promptly.

"Yep!" I hurriedly agree, eager to paint more and plan for the next stages of my journey.


Vote to help Eddy's dad see what's right (about the soulmate thing)❤️💛💜

Thanks for reading! 

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