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//Eddy's POV//

We've finally reached that fateful brick wall, where everything began with my plan, and I know where we're going after this. Northwest, by the supermarket.

So you can imagine my shock and confusion when my dad turns northeast instead.

Trying to keep my panicking emotions inside me, I say hurriedly, "Dad, um, we're supposed to go that way." I pointed in the other direction, the direction we were supposed to turn on.

"I know. But we go that route every year. I thought we would take a different way, now that your mum isn't coming with us. I thought we could explore the scenery more, wouldn't that be nice?" He hums thoughtfully.

I am dumbfounded.

All the careful planning, every detail kept sound in my mind, all to be scattered because my dad took a different route?

Okay okay.

Don't panic. You can figure this out.

The reason I am so distraught over this small change is because the rules of my plan only apply to going northwest. Because I know the area, I've been there, so it's much easier to know where to go. But this way, I've never been. So how am I supposed to figure out how to get to my soulmate?

I take some deep breaths and try to slow my mind. At least we're still stopping at the same hotels, so there's some places I'm familiar with. If I ask my dad to turn around and go back, he'll get very suspicious, and then I'm screwed.

I sneak a subtle glance at my wrist to check, and the numbers 70,639 stare back at me. I whistle internally, nodding my head. That was already slightly closer than what it would have been had we gone the correct way.

Maybe it wasn't so bad after all. And this way, I could spend more time with my dad, who was at least mostly less strict than my mum.

It's going to be okay.

The words of comfort echo softly in my brain, bouncing off the walls of my mind and lulling me to sleep.


A/N: and now, you're going to want sushi! 🙃 I'm so evil...

A soft series of bumps shakes me awake. I look around, taking in the interior of our car and the roads outside the window. There is a green field spread out, the grass lush and gorgeous. Picnic tables are scattered across the field, and some people have set up blankets and are having meals.

I roll down the window and inhale the scent of...well, grass. Turning to look at the driver's seat, I notice my father is staring at me. "Well Eddy, I thought we'd stop by this picnic place instead of eating in the car like we always do. What do you think?" He says with a grin, clearly proud of his idea.

What was I supposed to say? "Um, I mean, yeah..."

He frowns, clearly picking up on the tone of my voice.


"No no, it's a great idea, really! I'm just a bit tired," I hurriedly say.

"But you slept on the whole ride here," my father points out.

Double oops.

"Yeah, but it wasn't near enough. Anyway, it IS a good idea, definitely great to be out in nature."

My dad nods, apparently convinced that I am excited. "I even packed food! It's sushi...." His voice is teasing, knowing how much I love sushi.

This time I don't have to pretend to be happy. "Really?" I say, my face lighting up. Sushi... I'm already drooling just thinking about it!

We quickly set up the blankets, choosing a shady spot under a few trees. The branches above us seem to form a halo, protecting us. The beauty of nature never ceases to amaze me.

I lick my lips hungrily, my eyes only looking at one thing. It's has been a long time since I had a chance to enjoy the simplicity of sushi.

Adding my usual soy sauce, I place the first piece in my mouth. Oh, it's amazing.

I just sit there, savoring the taste, as I watch people milling around the picnic areas. A few snippets of conversation float through the air, though it's all relatively quiet. My dad is doing some work on his computer, not paying attention to his surroundings.

But then the shouts start.

Not shouts of fear - completely the opposite actually. Shouts of joy. 


A/N: I'll just try to update once a week, okay? I think that's the best I can do. Remember to vote and comment, and I'll see you next week (I'm not sure which day exactly)!

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