Chapter Four [Devon]

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Chapter 4


Okay. I like her.

Even if I wanted to deny it, I don't think I can. I didn't figure her to be so outspoken. The girl literally doesn't hold back any questions or answers. She's so different than what I'm used to.

Every time I told myself to stop telling her so much about myself or lead her on, she'd say or ask something that I didn't expect her to. In return it only made me feel excited so I was honest as I could be. No one has ever been so interested in what I think. 

With Lucy I catered to her hand and feet, it was always about her. I always made sure she was okay and listened to her and I sort of got used to her never asking what my thoughts were on things. By the end of our relationship, she was such a total drama queen and I didn't even care because I was so in love with her. If we got upset I was always the one to apologize and make it up to her even if it was her fault or if it was over nothing in particular.

Maybe that's why I find it so easy to try and seek her out whenever I find the perfect excuse to go to my sister's music studio to see her. Every time I see her, she doesn't hold what she's thinking. She's a quick-witted thinker, which is so different from my life. 

Taking over my dad's company while he's trying to get better has its pros and cons. It's a load of work and can be very draining because he owns a construction company that builds houses from the ground up, but it can be rewarding being the owner. You can make your own schedule when you please. 

Today I took off early to watch my sister and Aaron's dog, Dash. Aaron usually takes him to work with him, but said he couldn't take him today because he and Dez are taking family portraits with Dash later and she'd kill him if Dash got his white fur dirty when she just gave him a bath.

Deciding he'll like to be home instead of my small condo, I watch him in their house.

When Dez finally arrives home before Aaron she walks into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle, "Thanks for watching, Dash."

I sit on one of the barstools they have for their kitchen island, "Yeah, no problem. He's always fun to hang out with."

Smiling she takes a sip of water before meeting my eyes and I know she's about to get serious, "I know we didn't or don't always get along, but I know I can trust you with something this big." She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes in pain.

"Are you okay, Dez?" I lower my voice as if that's going to help.

She waves her hand dismissively, and frowns the pain in her eyes doesn't waver, "There's this kid... He's been coming in to learn how to play the piano. I think he's being neglected?"

This is way deeper than just a few questions, so I ask, "And I'm assuming that because you love kids that this isn't the first time you've thought of it." I say it more as a question and she bites her bottom lip before answering.

"Yes. I know I can't have kids of my own, but I'm not overthinking this for some crazy need for me to want kids of my own, is it?" She searches my eyes desperately and my heart twists because for a long time I haven't felt bad for her and now she's expressing her deepest sorrow with me and it's a heartbreaking one and I don't know what to say to her.

Clearing my throat, I meet her gaze and try to answer the best I can, "I think you're smart, Dez. But don't go calling CPS for a few suspicions. Maybe they're just going through a tough time right now. Don't get yourself involved in something that can leave you or that kid heartbroken in the end."

Putting the water down on the kitchen island she nods and seems to be deep in thought. 

Getting up, I sigh heavily trying to shake the depressing vibe because the state our dad's in is already depressing enough, "I'll see you on Tuesday?" When she looks up at me she smiles. Tuesdays are one of the days we go together to stop by and see our dad together, "I know he's going to be better than he was yesterday."

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