Chapter Six [Devon]

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Chapter 6


I feel like I always have to take a deep breath when I pull up to my parent's house now. Have to compose myself to hold it together. Walking up the front steps is way easier than the first time, but it's still hard.

Opening the front door, I can hear the TV playing in the living room. Walking in, my dad's laying on an expensive recliner that Dez got him after he got sick. He looks asleep from the looks of it, he's wrapped in a blanket and has his beanie on. My mom is sitting next to him on the couch beside him watching a soap opera. She looks relaxed for once, she usually seems stressed and worried.

Walking closer I get her attention and she smiles up at me. Vanessa, my dad's home-care nurse, who Dez also hired to help my mom watch after dad, walks in from the kitchen with food. Dez really picked a good nurse, she really takes good care of him. She seems like about Dez's age, she's tall with blonde hair and blue eyes and under those scrubs, I can tell she's in good shape. 

Bringing a bowl of soup to eat with my mom and dad I sit to have dinner with them. After my dad's last treatment I can already tell he seems more active and awake more. My mom even talks about how she doesn't think they'll be going back for another treatment. 

After having dinner with them and surprisingly my dad still being awake my mom turns to me, "Davina is coming home for the weekend. You should come tomorrow."

Looking over at the TV instead of meeting their gaze, I simply tell them, "I can't. I have somewhere to be tomorrow, but I'll be here Saturday if you need me."

"Yeah, we can do dinner on Saturday. You should come tomorrow too. You haven't seen your sister in a long time." She frowns, looking at me concerned etched all over her eyes.

My dad groans and closes his eyes momentarily, "I think she's having problems with her husband. It'd be nice if she spent some family time."

Fuck. I need to tell them my plans.

Sitting up straighter, I meet my mom's gaze, "I'm seeing someone. Tomorrow's our first date. I told her it'd be special so it's not like Davina can't wait."

Davina, my older sister lives in Hawaii so I know why they think it's a big deal for me to be here tomorrow. It's not like she lives in town and we can just visit her whenever we want.

My mom's eyebrows frown in disapproval and her brown hair bounces as she shakes her head, "You're not ready for a relationship, mijo."

I want to roll my eyes, but my dad thankfully speaks up for me, "I think he's been through enough and is old enough to know what he wants."

I smug smile forms on my lips because he's right, but my mom's concern doesn't leave her face. "Are you sure you're ready for this? You were so in love with Lucy."

Groaning, I stand, "I thought I was in love with her mom. I just learned to accept who she became as we got older and it only made me blind to who she really was. I'm over it."

She knows the whole story so she understands that I want nothing to do with Lucy. She nods even though she still looks worried. I lean over and kiss her forehead and then walk over to my dad and lean down to kiss his forehead too. I give them a quick goodbye before my mom calls out to me. 

"Bring her over for dinner on Saturday." My mom says with a small smile.

My eyes widen a little, "Mom, tomorrow's our first date. I don't think we're ready to meet the parents just yet."

My dad smiles, "Bring her over, Devon. I'd want to meet her in case..."

Groaning, now very upset for his lame excuse, "Don't even finish that sentence. Fine, I'll mention it, but I make no promises that she'll be coming. If she says she isn't comfortable with it then I'm not pushing the subject."

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