Chapter One [Win]

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Chapter One


Getting ready this morning is taking longer than usual. My older brother found out I have a job now. He doesn't want me to have one because he thinks it's a distraction from school but I need to make my own money so I can spend it on whatever I want.

I straighten my long blonde hair and leave it down, I only add minimal makeup to hide my freckles and look back at myself in the mirror. My own dark eyes stare back at me while my brother tries to convince me through the phone to quit my job.

Smiling, I stand and take the phone off speaker, "I'm not quitting, Shane. I love my new job and you should be happy my boss is at least Dez and Jo. I'm sure you can keep tabs on me."

Sighing heavily through the phone, he caves in, "Fine. But you could've told me you wanted money."

Although my brother is a famous rock star now and has done way more for this family than I care to admit. There's no way I was going to ask for an allowance of some sort.

"I gotta go, Shane. I'll text you." I quickly hang up before he tries to come up with another reason why I should just stay home.

I quickly say goodbye to my mom on my way out. Getting into the fancy car my brother got me for my birthday, I start getting excited all over again. I like being social and being out with my friends so I have no idea how Shane expected me to stay home all day after I graduated high school.

"Hey, Win." Dez, my boss, and my brother's friend immediately say when I walk through the door.

"Hey." I walk over to the receptionist's desk and drop my purse under the desk.

She takes a deep breath and that's when I notice she seems upset, "Do me a favor and cancel all my afternoon lessons. I'll give them a discount for our next lesson."

I nod and start up the computer. The rest of the morning is easy enough and everyone took Dez canceling well. Aaron, her husband has dropped by but quickly left telling her they need him at his shop.

I like talking to Aaron, I can stare at him all day. He's tall, has beautiful hazel eyes and has great hair, but above all, he's really smart. I like to daydream that I, too one day will have someone look at me like Aaron looks at Dez.

The door opens, I quickly look up to see a young man in worn clothes. He's tall, almost as tall as Aaron, but unlike Aaron with hazel eyes and sandy brown hair. This man has dark hair and brown amber eyes, his dark stubble makes him appear more rugged than his clothes. He's obviously been at work of some sort.

He walks over to me and smirks at me and that's when I notice his plump lips. My heart spikes as he nears and I can't seem to move my gaze away from his lips.

"Is Dez ready?" His deep voice makes me sit up straighter.

I look up to meet his eyes and suddenly I feel a heat cover my cheeks. He caught me staring at his lips and his smirk tells me he knows.

"Uh..." I can't come up with anything to say.

This has never happened to me. I always know what to say, even with cute guys around. I clear my throat as if that's somehow gonna help me come up with words.

I look down at his hands and he's definitely a working man, he looks built just from his clothes alone. I wonder how he looks underneath those work clothes and if he has strong muscles I can get my hands on. I feel my face flush all over again when I think about what else he can work with.

"Oh! I was just gonna call you. Let me get my purse." Dez comes out of the room with Lily who's been learning how to play the piano.

Her voice nearly made me jump in my seat as my heart accelerates.

Lily quickly says goodbye and I barely manage a small smile. I look up and see the man looking around the studio, his eyes landing on almost every picture frame with a small smile.

Dez finally comes out and drags him out of the room studio, waving at me and Jo. Devon opens the door to an old black restored Mercedes-Benz car, letting Dez in before he gets in the driver seat.

"Don't even think about it." Jo's voice makes me jump for the second time.

I meet her heterochromia eyes with my dark ones. I always get drawn to her eyes the most when I talk to her. One eye is a light blue and the other is light green. Very extraordinary.

"Wh- what do you mean?" I clear my throat.

Gosh, can I be more obvious? No guy has ever made me this nervous. Never.

Jo rolls her eyes and walks over to sit on one of the chairs in the waiting room, so I can look at her directly from my desk. She taps her red converse before she looks up at me smiling.

"Just clear warning, sweet Win." Leaning over, she places her hands on the chair. She's wearing a Red Strings band t-shirt which eases me a tiny bit. "He recently got out of an ugly breakup just last year to someone he was with since like forever and he is nowhere near ready for love letters and commitment. And he's pretty obvious that he's not ready for any of it, before they got the confirmation that their dad got cancer, he was partying every weekend and hooking up with a bunch of girls."

My stomach forms a knot that's never been caused by just getting information on a guy. The only reason I ever got a nervous feeling from a guy was when I lost my virginity. Why do I suddenly feel the need to make sure he's okay? 

Frowning, I turn to the computer and try my best to seem unbothered, "Who said I wanted love letters?"

Jo chuckles softly, "Well..." I look over to see her shrug, "I know you like commitment."

I gulp because she's not wrong. I like being in relationships because guys usually make me feel pretty and special, but because of who my brother is and what my first boyfriend did to me... I don't let anyone else get that close to me. There hasn't been one boyfriend in the past that I've wanted to keep around.

"Who is he anyway?" I try and change the subject, feeling a little agitated that she can read me so well.

Her eyes widen a little, "Wait... You haven't met him or are you joking with me right now?"

Taken back by her question, I try to think where I could've ever met him before, but I come up empty.

"I haven't met him nor do I know who he is."

Jo stands and walks over to stand in front of the desk and her wide mismatch-colored eyes seem excited now, "That's Devon, Dez little brother." She smirks as something flashed in her eyes, "Well... not so little anymore."

She smirks at me making me blush. Yeah, he's definitely not a little boy anymore. I can totally appreciate his growth. I should've made the connection when she said, "their dad".

"How come I've never met him?" I ask, my curiosity has peeked.

She shrugs and frowns a little, "It might have to do with his issues with Dez. I'm not sure."

"Issues?" I sit up straighter. Things are really getting interesting now.

She waves her hand dismissively, "Not my place to say. Just be warned, dear Win."

She walks away to the back and I'm pretty sure she's going to the room with the electric guitars. Even though she argues with everyone that she's nothing like her father, Jet Landon. He was in a rock band way back before I was born. And the man who signed my brother and his band. Jo totally enjoys playing music and singing and sometimes her choice of vocabulary is just like his. She's totally just like him.

I look out the window again and wish I didn't make myself look like an idiot when he was in here, but thankfully for me, I've gone all these years not running into him. Maybe I won't have to ever again.



A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Should I keep going? Lol

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