4. The x Competition

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Pan Tyche's POV

We land in Zaban City, the parents and daughter return to their home.  The son stays with us, guiding us to the exam.  We start walking to the exam site.  We pass through a shopping district.  The navigator is talking with Kurapika and Leorio, while Gon and I look around at the different shops.

"Hey, wanna try one?" A shopkeep asks, holding a skeward frog.  "It's Zaban's famous panda-frog-on-a-stick!  A true delicacy"

"Do you want one?" I ask Gon.  His eyes widen a bit as his continuously nods.  I pay the shopkeep and give Gon the frog.

A lady tries to sell us a brooch, but I pull Gon away before she could finish her campain.  Gon continues to look around.  I stay with him, making sure that I don't lose track of the Navigator.  After looking at a few more shops, Gon and I catch up with the trio.  We walk into an open area and stand infront a a large, expensive looking building.

"I believe that is the building." The Navigator says, pointing forward.  Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika look up at the expensive building.  I look to the Navigator's finger and notice that it's pointing off to the side a bit.  I look at the building next to the expensive one and see a ramen house.

"It's so tall!"  Gon says with a smile.  "They have a really nice building."

"So this is the exam site. . ." Leorio says, walking forward.  Gon and Kurapika follow suit.  "This is what draws. . ."

"Hunter applicants from across the world." Kurapika finishes for Leorio.

"My first shot at the Hunters Exam. . .  Was this how Dad felt, when he first arrived?"

"You guys!" The navigator calls.

"It's over here."  I say, pointing to the ramen shop.  They follow my finger and wlak over.

"Hey, this isn't funny.  Isn't that an ordinary restraunt?  You can't possibly mean that Hunter applicants from around the world are meant to assemble here?"

"I do.  No one would expect the Hunters Exam, with millions of candidates to e located here, right?" The navigator says.

"That's true." Leorio says.  We walk in and see that it's mostly full.

"Welcome!" The chef annouces.

"Is the back room open?"  The Navigator asks.  The chef looks up.

"What will you have?"

"The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light.  For four." The Navigator says.  It's probably the password to get to the actual exam.

"For four?  How would you like them?" The chef asks, slighty glaring at us.

"Grilled over a low flame, until cooked."

"Got it, let yourself into the back room." 

We walk into the back room, there's a table with three chairs.  "Wait here."

"Wait?  What about the others?" Leorio asks.

"I can't wait for the steak combo!"  Gon says, I pat his head.

"Gon, that was just the password to get us inside." Kurapika says.  I reach into Callie and grab a snack for Gon.

"Here, Gon.  You can have a sandwich." I say, passing a pb&j to him.  He smiles and thanks me.

"One in every ten thousand. . . The number of applicants who make it this far.  You've done extremely will for first-timers.  Well, good luck."  The Navigator says, turning away.

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