6. Hisoka x is x a x Creep

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Pan Tyche's POV

"Hey Gon, I missed you."  I say to him as I pat his head.  I turn to Killua.  "You want to join too?" I ask him.  His face turns red.

"HAh?!  No, why'd you even ask something like that."  I chuckle and pat Gon's back, telling him to let go.  I quickly make my way over to Killua and pull him into a hug.

"Aww, there's no need to lie about it!"  Killua tries to struggle out of my grip, but ultimately gives in to the hug.

"Hey, Mr. Satotz?  Is this where the Second Phase of the exam takes place?"  Gon asks.

"No, we still have quite a way to go."

More people start to arrive.  I let go of Killua and reach into Callie, in search of snacks.  I grab some rice cakes and chisps.  I offer the chisps to Gon and Killua, both accept.  After about, thirty minutes of waiting, Kurapika and Leorio make their way to the exit.  Leorio runs out, first, though, it looked more like he crawled out.  Kurapika followed after him, considerably less exhausted.

"Hey, Kurapika!"  Gon motions for him to come our way.  Walking over, he waves to us.

"Is the our destination?" He asks.

"No, it isn't."  Gon tells him.

"I see.  Ah, the fog is fading."  Kurapika states.

"Oh!  Really?" Gon asks, standing up, I follow after him.

The fog clears up a bit, we're able to see some of the trees that surround us.  Hmm,,, I get why Satotz recommended I take my skates off, though, I should be fine.

"The Numere Wetlands, also known as Swindlers Swamp.  We must cross these wetlands to reach Phase Two of the exam.  This place is home to many bizarre animals, many of them being cunning, insatiable creatures who deceive humans and prey upon them.  Be very careful.  If you let them fool you. . . you're dead."  Satotz explained.

This information seemed to have shocked many of the applicants, seeing as they started to gasp and murmur after Satotz's explaination.  From behind us, the exit from the tunnel closed.  A guy made his way to the top of the stairs, only for the exit to be closed off before he could make it.  I chuckle to myself.

"Wait for me!!" The guy cries out, but it was too late.

"These wetland creatures will use every trick in the book to fool their prey."  Everyone turns back to Satotz.  "An ecosystem in which creatures obtain food through deceit. . . Hence the name Swindlers Swamp.  Stay very close to me so you won't be deceived."  Satotz turns around, ready to start moving again.

"Ha, what a joke." Leorio says to us.  "How can they trick us, when we're expecting it?"

"Don't let them fool you!"  A voice shouts from our left.  We turn to face the interuption.

"Hah?  I just said that they can't."  Leorio says.  I let out a sigh.

"Don't fall for it. . ."  Some guy comes out from behind the tunnel's exit.  He's all beat up and clearly not human. "He's lying to you!"  He exclaims, pointing at Satotz.  "He isn't an examiner. . .  I'm the real examiner!"  Gods, what kind of idiot would fall for this horrendous acting?

"Imposter?  What's going on?"  Leorio asks, worried.  Ah, I see, this kind of idiot would fall for it.

"Look at this,"  The imposter pulls on a monkey creature that has a similar appearance to Satotz.  It looks all beaten up, but it's clearly acting as well.

"Ah, he looks just like Mr. Satotz!"  Gon shouts.

"It's a Man-Faced Ape, one of the creatures that dwell in the Numere Wetlands!  Man-Faced Apes love the taste of fresh human flesh.  However, their limbs are long and thin, so their quite weak.  That's why they disguise themselves as humans.  They trick humans into following them into these wetlands, where they team up with other animals to kill and devour them.  He intends to trap every single applicant!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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