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"What do you have?"

"I hit pay dirt."

Arthit's eyebrows arched hearing the certainty in Pym's voice. He was at the hospital with Kong when he received a ping on his phone from Pym indicating 911. Now here they were in the same abandoned location where they met before.

  Now here they were in the same abandoned location where they met before

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"Show me."

Pym handed Arthit a file. As he perused the information in the file, his mouth was agape. "Are you fucking kidding me about this?"

"Serious as a heart attack. I've even befriended the wife so I could see it for myself."

"And she knows nothing about Kongpob?"

"Nope. She thinks Norman is a PA in the film industry who spends all his time away from home on movie sets. I really feel sorry for her. She's a wonderful caring woman and those kids...oh my cute."

"That might be the only true thing he's ever told her. No wonder he can treat Kong like shit, he's literally using him to fund a whole other life. DAMMIT!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Are you kidding? We're going to file for an immediate annulment. They aren't legally married. This will allow Kong to be free from this prison he put himself in."

"That's it?"

"What do you mean? What else is there?"

"I want to nail this bastard to the wall for how he's hurt Myra. She doesn't deserve this. Her whole world is about to come crashing down and she has no idea. She's a simple woman whose family is her whole word."

Arthit smirked at Pym. "When did you develop human emotions?"

"Fuck you Oon. Being betrayed by a man is something any woman can relate to. This time I don't want this asshole to walk away scot free. I want him to pay for what he's done."

"On that we both agree. I want him to pay the ultimate price for what he's done to Kong." Arthit held up the file. "Thanks for this. I'll be in touch. Don't do anything until you hear from me, okay?"

"Alright, but don't wait to long. My trigger finger is itching to take this motherfucker out."

"I hear ya. I gotta go see August and then I gotta get back to Kong."

Arthit rushed off leaving Pym alone in the building. "Make it fast Oon. I don't know how long I can wait. This is going to kill Myra." She shook her head and headed out.

The orderly looked nervously around his surroundings as he entered the coffee shop. His nails were bitten to the edge, but that didn't stop him from chewing at them as his anxiety reached its peak. He was staring at the entrance when the waitress approached his table. Startled, he turned his attention to her.

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