Something Wicked This Way Comes

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The night was filled with glitz and glamour. Men looked regal in a variety of tuxedos and women were adorned in shimmering jewelry and clothed in luxurious gowns. The red carpet was teeming with Asia's elite. Celebrities from as far away as Singapore, China and Japan joined Thailand's most famous film and TV stars as well as business magnates and socialites. There was even a rumor was moving through the crowd that a member of the Royal Family might be amongst the guests that night. Given the caliber of people in attendance, it was not as outlandish as it sounded so the press was on high alert in case there was indeed a sighting. As people continued to make their way down the red carpet at the Novotel Hotel, they started filing into the opulent ballroom appointed in beautiful jewel tones of gold and ivory.

 As people continued to make their way down the red carpet at the Novotel Hotel, they started filing into the opulent ballroom appointed in beautiful jewel tones of gold and ivory

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Tucked away at the behind the stage surrounded by his security was Kongpob Suthiluck overcome with nerves. Praepallin was running point for the detail tonight since Arthit was with August making sure security was tight elsewhere. Given what happened with Myra weeks earlier, they were concerned that Norman might make an appearance tonight. That coupled with the speech he was about to give, Kongpob was constantly wiping the sweat from his brow. He was pacing while rehearsing his speech when he was startled by a pair of muscular arms hugging him from the back.

"You look amazing, and you smell even better." Arthit wedged his nose in the crook of Kongpob's neck and inhaled deeply. Kongpob could only chuckle at Arthit's antics. He placed a clammy hand on Arthit's cheek and smiled. Arthit released him and turned him around. "Are you nervous?"

"Yes." Kongpob put his notecards in his coat pocket and bounced on his heels trying to quell his nervous energy. Arthit ran his hands up and down Kongpob's arms trying to calm him, but it did not seem to help.

"How can you be nervous? You perform in front of millions of adoring fans and act on a 20-foot screen. There's only about 300 people out there."

"It's not the people, it's the event. I want my foundation to be a success. It means so much to me. This will be my first time telling my story to a group of people this large. What if they laugh or they don't believe me?"

Hearing the worry in Kongpob's voice, Arthit embraced Kongpob. He placed Kong's head on his should and rubbed circles on his back to sooth him. "Don't worry Kong. You'll have the support of everyone in that room. They wouldn't be here if they didn't believe in the cause. They paid $20K a plate to be here. What does that tell you?"

"That August is good at taking people's money." Kongpob nervously laughed and tightened his hug with Arthit.

"Silly Kong. It means they believe in you. I'll be just off stage next to you and Myra, Pym, August, and the rest of your team will be at the table just in front of the stage. We're all here for you. And if you need anymore encouragement, you can always use this." Arthit released Kong and reached into his coat pocket to pull out a small black box.

"What is this?" Kong took the box and looked at Arthit.

"It was something I was going to give you later when we were alone, but I think you could really use it now. Go ahead. Open it."

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