Old Acquaintances

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It was a solemn occasion. Scads of people dressed in black and white milling around not quite sure how to act or what to say. In a situation like this I'm sorry just doesn't seem to convey the depth of grief or longing a person feels for the dearly departed. Pond Sivakorn had been a popular man. Although he had few friends, he had helped many people throughout his life. Former clients, employees, extended family, and business associates crowded the quaint temple in Chiang Mai, Pond's hometown. Despite having made a life in Bangkok, it was his wish to have his ashes scattered at his family's ancestral home.

"Welcome to Wat Chiang Man. Please head this way for the Sivakorn services."

Mourners were led inside to a sight worthy of a prominent member of Thai society

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Mourners were led inside to a sight worthy of a prominent member of Thai society. Garlands of vibrant flowers adorned Pond's caskets and people were paying merit to the monks and leaving donations for the family. Unfortunately, Pond and his never had any children, so Apinya Sivakorn stood alone greeting guests. Though she was happy to usher her husband into his next life, her sadness at being left behind was palpable and could be felt by all in attendance. Pond cherished his wife and made sure she was well taken care of. She greeted numerous people, but when it was a certain person's time to pay respect, she pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Thank you so much for being here Norman. Pond loved you like a brother. So, stand beside me and greet the mourners. You deserve to stand here just as much as I do."

Norman was stunned at the sentiment but thought it would be suspect if he didn't accept Apinya's invitation. "I loved him too. My heart is hurting, and I would be proud to stand here as his chosen brother."

As mourners continued to pass through, Myra and Pym made their way through the line. As Myra lifted her head, she was frozen in place seeing Norman standing next to Apinya. Over the years, they had spent countless hours with the Sivakorns as best friends. Given the circumstances of the pending divorce, Myra had not had an opportunity speak with Apinya, which made her feel guilty. She leaned over and whispered to Pym. "What am I going to do? Norman is up there with my best friend."

Pym locked arms with Myra and responded

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Pym locked arms with Myra and responded. "Don't worry. He won't act like an ass here. He'll be on his best behavior."

"I hope you're right."

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