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Myra exited the taxi in front of the large imposing building. She was filled with trepidation as she slung her bag over her shoulder and approached the entrance.

"Good morning Ma'am. Please empty the contents of your pockets and place your bag in the bin."

Myra complied with the instructions of the security officer and moved slowly through the metal detector. Taking up her belongings, she moved toward the building directory looking for the Prosecutors' Offices. She identified her destination and made her way to the elevator. As she watched the numbers tick away, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Myra received a call from the prosecutor's office several days ago regarding their bigamy case against Norman and needed her to come to the office. They were unable to give her any details over the phone and informed her she would be properly briefed once she arrived for her appointment. Given the difficulty of her divorce and the subsequent custody battle, Myra was filled with anxiety. Her thoughts were halted when someone tapped her shoulder to let her know she'd reached her destination. She quietly thanked the stranger and exited the elevator.

After checking in at the reception desk, Myra took a seat awaiting the arrival of the prosecutor. Minutes later a young man, who couldn't have been more than 30 years old approached her with a smile and an extended hand.

"Good morning! You must be Myra Sakdatorn. I'm Anurak Theeravit. If you could come with me."

"Yes. Thank you."

Myra shook the young man's hand and followed him as he motioned for her to follow him. He led her to a crowded office filled with several small desks. People were milling about amongst a flurry of activity. The prosecutor took a seat and pulled a chair close to his desk for Myra.

 The prosecutor took a seat and pulled a chair close to his desk for Myra

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"Thank you so much for coming down. Would you like something to drink? Perhaps some water or some tea?"

"No, thank you. I'm a little nervous since I'm not sure why I'm here."

Anurak patted Myra's shoulder and smiled at her. "You needn't be nervous. Our office just wanted to personally inform you about the disposition of our case against your husband regarding the bigamy charge."

Myra took a deep breath and smiled at the prosecutor. She placed her belongings in her lap and listened intently while the prosecutor explained about legal procedure, judges' decisions, and the lead prosecutor's advice about the case.

"So, essentially we've settled on offering your husband a plea deal, which would preclude him for marrying anyone for the next five years during which he would be on supervised probation."

Myra couldn't believe her ears. The world seemed to fall away, and the sound of the prosecutor's voice was replaced in her head by a high-pitched sound that blocked out everything else. Probation? She was confused and anger began to burn in the bottom of her belly.

"Wait a minute. Do you mean he's not going to jail?"

"No ma'am. It was decision of this office that seeking jail time wouldn't be in the best interest of the state."

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