Turning Tables

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Pym finished hanging the targets and pushed the button at the counter of the gun range that carried the targets to their rightful place at 20 meters. She placed a second set of targets at 5 meters and a third at 2 meters. Satisfied with her work, she filled a magazine with ammunition slamming the clip into the gun. The click of the magazine lodging into the Glock 9mm startled Myra, making her jump a little. Pym smirked and placed the gun on the counter. She turned to Myra and handed her a set of noise cancellation headphones.

 She turned to Myra and handed her a set of noise cancellation headphones

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"Now remember what I taught you. Try hitting the closest target first. This is distance for most defensive shooting." She motioned for Myra to pick up the gun, but Myra hesitated. "Go ahead. I'm right here. I won't let you shoot your foot off."

"This isn't funny Pym. I'm scared. Guns are scary."

"Yes, they are, which is why I've spent all morning training you. Now take the first shot."

Myra took the stance Pym showed her earlier and aimed the gun at the nearest target. Pym adjusted her arms and then stood back. She slowly squeezed the trigger. Although Pym told her there would be some recoil, she still wasn't prepared for how it would actually feel. She quickly put the gun down, removed the headphones and stepped back.

"I don't think this is for me. I'm not meant for this. I've changed my mind."

"You're just a little shaken up from the recoil. That's all. You'll get used to it as you practice more."

"That's not something I want to get used to. Can we stop now?"

Pym sighed, but she understood. After all Myra, up until a few months ago, was a housewife living in the countryside tending to twins. The closest she got to firearms was a glue gun. She recalled the target and noticed that Myra actually placed the bullet pretty well.

"Look at that. You're a natural." She smiled at Myra, who just lowered her head in response.

"That's not something I ever want to be good at." She looked at her watch and noticed it was time for her girls to be done with their tutor. "Besides, it's time for me to see my babies. They should be done with their tutor by now."

"How are my little angels?"

"They're good, but they ask about their father all the time. I told them he was off making a movie, but he's never been away from them this long. I hate lying to them, but what can I do? They're too young to understand what's really going on and they would be devastated to know their parents are splitting up."

As they entered Kongpob's villa, they could hear the giggles of the twins getting louder as they made their way to the kitchen for their afternoon snack. They love living at the villa. The house helpers adore them, and they're the apples of their mother's eye. They give the once gloomy house a much-needed dose of positive energy that is felt by all who live there. Myra hadn't intended to stay as long as she had, but she didn't have a choice. Since Norman had been the sole provider, she never acquired any skills other than being a good wife and mother. She never went to university and she married Norman at a young age.

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