chapter 3- unexpected events..

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You give a slight cough trying to cover the awkwardness that is apparent in the room

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You give a slight cough trying to cover the awkwardness that is apparent in the room.

"Ehm- no, sorry professor" Your voice squeaks out, like a high school girl talking to her crush. You slouch in your seat and try to avoid Hotch's gaze, looking at your empty paper instead, feeling embarrassed at what's happening now.

Hotch continues on with his lecture, "As I was saying, can anyone tell me the branches of psychology ?" walking around and observing the class.

You keep your hand down, not wanting to attract any attention while a lot of  other people have their hands up, knowing the answer that is quite easy actually. Hotch takes a moment walking around his desk, before stopping and then points at you.

"You, what's your name?" You look up, at him with a hidden confused face, obviously he is playing dumb or he really doesn't remember you.

"My name is y/n and there's 2 branches, one being basic which deals with general, social, child, abnormal, physiological, animal, and parapsychology. The other branch being applied deals with clinical, industrial, educational, crime, military, mental health and law." saying this with a confident look on your face, because you know he was testing you.

"And what is considered the most difficult jobs in the field?" He shoots back with a drop dead unfazed look. 

"Parapsychology because it's the study of non quantifiable phenomena, such as telepathy, telekinesis, extrasensory perception, and mind reading. Also forensic psychology because they're known as profilers. They have to work with victims of crimes and figuring out how the criminals themselves operate. The mental health and the lives of crime victims to depends on the accuracy of their job, and also have to earn an additional degree in clinical psychology."

Hotch looks at you with a straight face, he doesn't say anything but instead continues on asking questions for the rest of the time.

After his class, you try your best to leave without catching his eye or sharing a glance. Thankfully you and Emily leave, talking about random shit like you usually do. You both separate and go to the rest of your classes before meeting each other outside for lunch.

"Hey, y/n over here!" You see Emily and Penelope sitting at a table in the shade waiting for you. It's a very sunny but cool day, the birds chirping in the distance, you can hear the laughter and conversations all around.

"Hi girls," hugging both of them before taking a seat with my lunch. You've always been a mix between healthy and unhealthy, but today was one of your healthy days having a salad, dressing, and some grapes with you.

"So what is this I hear, that Mr. Club guy is now Mr. Professor, hmm?" Penelope says following with a bit of laughter. You glance at her and then at Emily before rolling your eyes and shoving another bite of your salad in your mouth.

"Listen, i'm mortified it even happened but now that it did, I don't even know what to do. I can't continue it, but do I talk to him about it? In class today, it didn't even seem like he remembered last night." You throw your head back a bit letting out a groan of frustration.

"Well if he didn't remember you, he wouldn't have texted you?" Emily chimes in, turning her head towards you and then takes a sip of her water. "Plus, you guys had some weird tension in class today when he choose you out of everyone to answer." Making a good point.

Your phone's flash blinks on and off indicating you had gotten an notification.

You look at it and your face turns into a confused expression and at the same time your heart feels like it's about to jump out of my chest.

"Uhh, speak of the devil" You turn your phone towards the both of them, letting them read the message you had just received.

Aaron - my office, 5 pm.

"Oh my, looks like y/n is in trouble" Pen says, pushing her pink glasses up her face with a smirk on her face. Emily lets out a laugh right after hearing this and you shoot both of them a glare.

"Oh shut up, listen it will be pretty short, I'll let him know it was a mistake and we won't have to talk about it." You tell them with a nervous feeling in your heart. "So let's meet at our dorm room at like 7 pm? We can do homework and talk about what actually happened with Penelope" You say with a smirk on your face, trying to turn the attention towards her.

This time you and Emily laugh and look at Penelope who sticks her tongue at you both and gets up to leave.

"Hahaha" Pen mocks you both, "I'll see you little ladies at 7, try not to miss me too much. I have to go to computer science" She says with a small pout.

When you and Emily are  both done with your classes at this point so you leave and go do some shopping at some of the shops around campus. You both finish by 4, and are in your dorms by 4:15. Some nice perks of having a car and living in dorms. 

"Wake me up, when you get back from your meeting with the cute professor." Em calls out to you as you come out the bathroom. You brush your hair out and decide to put it in a simple ponytail, leaving a few pieces out in the front. You put on makeup to cover the dark spots that's still there from before. 

"Oh shush, just go take your nap you dummy." You say shaking my head. You decide to throw on a simple fitted black v neck long sleeve. You pair it with a tan mini skirt that isn't too short and makes your body stand out. As for shoes, you go with a pair of black ankle strap flats. You look in the mirror studying yourself.

You check the time, 4:45. shit you were going be 10 minutes late. You quickly grab your white handbag, throwing your dorm key, car keys and phone into it. You leave the dorm quickly locking the door and make your way towards your car.

You drive to the campus, thinking to yourself and feeling a bit nervous. You couldn't pinpoint why. He was just a guy in a club and you was just a girl in a club. But for whatever reason you needed to get over it. You just need to get over it and talk to him and move on.

You lock your car door, throwing your keys into your bag, taking out your phone. The time is 5:05 pm, You sped walk making you way to his office.

You stand in front of the door.

Psychology 101

You gulp hard, breathing in and out trying to slow down your heart from racing so fast. You raise your hand gently and knock on Hotch's door.


oof that cliffhanger though, also i'm going on a trip for a couple of days, so i'll probably post a chapter before and after I come back.

xoxo - bri

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