chapter 19- going out..

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It was now the next day and you along with the rest of your friends, were going out to yet another club

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It was now the next day and you along with the rest of your friends, were going out to yet another club.

Scrunching your nose you sniffle, trying to covering how you really felt with a smile as the thoughts of yesterday's events seeps into your mind.

Staring back at your reflection in the mirror, you let out a huff of hot air knowing you had to move on with your life. You couldn't do the back and forth with Hotch anymore and you were done with him.

Deciding to go with a smooth maroon dress that had spaghetti straps which showed your shoulders and bareless back, matching it with black flats that you had found very comfortable. You put your hair in a casual ponytail, some strands falling in front of your face, it wasn't like you were trying to impress anyone tonight.

A sudden honk from outside rings out, the familiar sound as you slightly smile to yourself knowing it was Spencer's car. You quickly grab your bag, slipping in your phone and key before leaving to find all your friends already in the car. Chuckling at their eagerness, you make haste getting into the car for a night of hopeful fun and distraction.

During the long car ride the club wasn't anywhere near the college just in case, as you really didn't want to risk the chance of running into Hotch. As the six of you slip into the club, the four girls immediately heading to the bar taking a shot each to loosen you all up. You guys then head over to the dance floor, dancing with one another like you usually did.

The music beats are loud, the club was crowded which was causing all of your sweaty bodies to collide with one another laughing and enjoying each other's presence.

After dancing for sometime you all laugh about something, making your way back to Spencer and Derek, curious to what they were doing. As you near the table you notice Spencer had on a worried expression, his eyes quickly scanning the area while Derek was calm not noticing Spencer's lack of interest as he was just sipping his drink.

"Spencer are you okay?" You say to him confused at why he had looked like he saw a ghost.

"Uhm- y/n, can you and Emily come with me?" He says, his eyes looking at yours in an state of urgency.

You and Emily turn your looking at one another both confused as you nod your head at him. In an matter of seconds he takes both of your guys hands, dragging you through the crowd to an empty booth. Your head distracts itself, looking around the club as the three of you place yourselves in the booth. You were kind of surprised that it was empty due to the amount of people in the place.

'Y/n, focus' You say reminding yourself, before turning your head, your eyes looking to meet Spencer's.

"Y/n, Mr. Hotchner is here.." He says, just staring at you waiting for a reaction. Your head drops as you heartbeat starts to quicken, like at any moment it was going to explode. Was he following you now? He literally seemed to always be where you were and you hated it.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 {𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now