chapter 16- memorable feelings..

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**TW; Iceplay, Spanking, Overstimulation**

Everything came flooding back in an instant

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Everything came flooding back in an instant. You were supposed to wake up like it was going to be just another day. But it wasn't..

You remembered how from the very beginning of how his eyes lightly gleamed looking into yours, due to the spotlights in the bar to the very end, when you saw the emotion he had in them before walking away to your car.

It had felt like a dream.. or a nightmare? You weren't sure if what was happening now was either the worst or best thing ever.

You body jolts up from your deep slumber, your eyes scanning the familiar room as you clung onto your blanket. You could hear your mother's voice from the dream that had sounded so clearly now.

"Just stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Accept the good things mija.. Don't self sabotage..." Her voice echoes from a distance within your head, repeating her words to yourself finally understanding the words she was trying to say.

You weren't sure if she was referring to Hotch but you knew that you had to talk to him. You let yourself fall deep into your bed almost like you were melting into it. You stare at your ceiling not knowing what to do, with your new but old memories back. You wasn't even sure if he cared about you.

The situation between the both of you was toxic to say the least, filled with lust and hunger, not cutesy little dates or how a relationship would be. You turn onto your side getting the thought of being in a 'relationship' with Aaron Hotchner out of your head.

Next morning, you realized it was Tuesday and you didn't have any classes. You debated on what you should do, not wanting to stay inside your room any longer then you had too. Without thinking you got yourself ready. By the time you were finished it was still early, as you look at the time it being only 11am.

You settled on a baby blue tank top with a white skirt that ended right above your knee, matching it with a black throw on cardigan that you can easily slip off if it was too hot. You noticed your hair had grew longer, when you notice it's length that now passed your stomach ending right above your bottom.

You get in your car for the first time since the accident, the memories of that night start to floods it's way over you. You then swallow the lump that was in your throat, not wanting to at the wheel. So you inhale and exhale deeply a few times, before driving away the sight of your dorms disappearing.

As you park in the driveway, you notice another car in front of the house which didn't look anything like Hotch's car. As you get out, you start walking to the front door and as you are about to be in front of the house, a woman comes out with a little boy that you seen before.

Once he sees you, he immediately recognizes you and waves, pushing the chocolate chip cookie he had in his hand up in the air trying to show you it. You smile at him, giving him a thumbs up before he gets into the car, the unfamiliar one you had seen. Then a woman comes out of the house walking angrily to the car before stopping, spotting you and shooting a death glare.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 {𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now