chapter 12- mother's embrace..

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           This takes place after last chapter & while y/n is unconscious !

Mo-Mother?" You say out loud, immediately recognizing the woman from your memories. Your jaw drops slightly as you look around to see the familiar yet unfamiliar setting.

Looking at the woman you clearly knew was your mom, as she was sitting alone outside under a big tree that casted a shadow blocking a the sun from the area she was sitting at. She was sitting comfortably on a red and white checkered picnic blanket as a basket sat in the middle, a few utensils in front of it. 

You stand idly by as you watch the moment unfold, she starts taking out the food, when suddenly a hyper energetic little girl who appeared to be eight or nine, comes rushing towards her and tall man chuckling trailing behind the girl.

Your face scrunched, recognizing the man as your father automatically thinking of how good he used to be, compared to how he was after your mom passed..

You remembered this exact moment. You guys always had daily picnic days which was every Saturday, as a way to spend time together as a whole family. Your mom used to be really busy with her job and dad always used to say that these days were because they wanted to keep you as little as you were. You thought they were being silly, you always being excited at the thought of you being older and grown.

"Mommy, When I grow up I wanna be just like you." The little version of you says throwing your hands around your mother's neck to hug her tightly. Nothing was better than your mother's embrace. She was wearing y/f/c dress and you had the same version on, looking like her twin except the kid version.

You tear up, trying your best to not breakdown as walk over to stand in front of them. You cross your arms holding them against your chest as you look over to your father who was the one speaking now.

"What about me princess? I'm wayy cooler than your Mom." he says pouting at the lack of attention you gave, before going over and tickling you until you fell in his arms. He engulfs you in a big suffocating hug while your mom laughs at you both.

Your heart aches at the sight, it had felt so long since you truly had a good memory with the both of them. You close your eyes for a moment calming yourself to keep from crying, quickly shaking your head, before opening them noticing they weren't in the same spot. You look to the opposite side of you seeing them walk away.

They were on different sides of you, holding onto your hand lifting you up swiftly as you swung back and forth. You hear the giggling fade away as you close your eyes again, thinking back to your childhood.

You then stare straight ahead thinking about your mom and how disappointed she would be in you if she saw you like this.

"Sweetie you're wrong, I could never be disappointed in you." You open your eyes, noticing you were now in your house standing in the middle of your living room. You thought it was in your mind, as if she knew what you were thinking. Hearing the voice come from behind you, you whip your head around to face the person, your hair getting blown a bit back, from the sudden movement.

"Mo-Mom?" You question, taking in how she looked. She had y/h/c hair and the same skin tone as you except a little lighter then how it used to be. She had the pink and white hospital gown on, your face drooping slightly, saddening as you looked at it being one of the last few outfits you had seen her in.

She walks over to you, giving you a small hug while rubbing your back. She used to do this to you whenever you had a hard day. You break down while she's holding you, apologizing for everything.

"I'm so sorry mom. I should have been a better daughter, I should have done something. I should have-" You say tears spilling out of your eyes as you list off everything you should have done or what you could have changed You didn't have any reason to feel guilty but somehow you did.

She pulls back before wiping your tears with the back of her hand. She cups your face with her other hand shushing you.

"Shh, sweetie it was cancer, there is nothing you could have done. It wasn't your fault I got cancer. And I'm so proud of you, I know you didn't have it easy after I died." She tells you giving a sad and guilt filled look.

She continues, "Y/n sweetie, I just want you to be happy." You look down, trying to avoid her gaze. She lifts your head so you're looking straight at her. "Bad luck seems to follow me mom. First you, then dad, and now.." You say your voice trailing off. For a second, you felt like you were forgetting something to say, shaking it off deciding it wasn't something to fuss about it.

"Sweetie, i'm afraid you have to go now." She says hugging you tightly, before letting go. You notice tears well up in her eyes as you shake your head.

"I- I don't want too." You say shaking your head furiously as your hands reaches out to grab her hand. She looks down at the ground letting a sigh out, before looking up and back at you.

"Listen, I love you. I want the best for you, and as hard it may seem to believe, your dad does too." You stare into her y/e/c eyes as your same colored eyes stared back at her. "We love you sweetie, but now isn't right." You were going to question what she meant by that but she cuts you off quickly.

"Just-" She takes a moment, and her eyes dart away from mine, like she was contemplating on finishing what she had to say or not. She lets out a sigh and before continuing, she places her free hand onto the side of your cheek causing you to feel warmth.

"Just stop looking for reasons to be unhappy and focus on the things you do have, and the reasons you should be happy. Accept the good things mija. Don't self sabotage." She says kissing your forehead as you shut your eyes, trying your best to be strong. You didn't want to leave her-- not again.

You felt her fade into the distance as you open your eyes and you try to run, in an attempt to chase the disappearing shadow figure. Your chest becomes heavy and you feel your body run cold, shivering and then numbness takes over, letting it overwhelm you.


This is kind of a filler chapter, but kinda not. I wanted a proper scene with her mom and this seemed to be the perfect time to do it ;) But im on tiktok now !! If you're interested you can follow it, the username is hotchnersbabe

xoxo - bri

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