chapter 17- college 101..

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You wake up to the sweet smell of chinese food, as a small smile tugs at the end of your lips

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You wake up to the sweet smell of chinese food, as a small smile tugs at the end of your lips. You  sit up in place, scanning the room for Hotch or your clothes. Not being able to find them, you peel the covers away from you swinging your legs around the bed to stand. A slight ache starts to pulsate in your lower body, the effects from what happened earlier. You groan at the feeling knowing, you would be limping for the rest of the day and probably the next.

You start slowly walking over to the deep colored dresser, going into a drawer to find one of Hotch's undershirts that he would wear with his suits. You slightly smile as you are putting it on, then button it up as the fabric falls long and loose on your body.

You look up into the mirror that sat above the dresser admiring the sight of the marks that were noticeable all over your neck, the rest being covered from the shirt. Your hair looked a mess, it was tangled from all the grabbing and gripping Hotch had done to it. You run your hands through it trying to make it look a lot less messy.

You slowly stride out of the room, walking over to the kitchen as you see Hotch place the food down onto the counter, his back turned to you. You slowly creep your way towards him, before wrapping your arms around his waist. A slight chuckle leaves his hips, turning around to face you, as you look up batting your innocent eyes at him. He takes his hand, using it to tilt your chin up before placing a small kiss onto your lips.

"You know you may look better than me in my own clothing." He tells you, pulling away and turning his attention back to the steaming food.

You let out a little laugh at the remark before going into the cupboard above you, causing you to stand on the end of your toes. You feel the shirt lift up as you let your arms reach out even higher. You take down two glasses setting them on the counter, before looking sideways at Hotch, his eyes being trained on you. 

"Is there something you'd like to say or are you going to just keep staring?" you say letting a giggle out afterwards. He clears his throat at your smart response before looking at the food, avoiding your gaze now. "Don't be a brat now." He tells you, going over to you, giving your ass a light smack.

You grunt from the pain, still feeling sore from earlier. Your rub your ass trying to soothe the sensation, before hearing a small laugh from Hotch behind you. "Stop, it's not funny." You let out in an annoyed voice as you whip around to face Hotch, crossing your arms a pout coming onto your face.

He shows you two plates with a smile before rolling your eyes at him, taking the both of them as you walk excitedly like a kid would to the living room. He laughs at your silly demeanor before grabbing two waters from the fridge following you to the next room.

You sit down on the comfortable sofa, digging into the delicious food Hotch had ordered. He sits down next to you getting comfortable as well.  "What do you want to watch?" He asks passing the remote to you, a grin appearing on your face knowing exactly what you were going to put on.

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 {𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now