chapter 18- pure bliss..

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The next day 

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The next day 

You twirl around looking in the mirror at your outfit. It was a  velvet v-neck blue dress that hugged at your curves, making your body look better then ever. The dress went low showing not too much of your chest but did a good job of making them look appealing. The dress stopped right above your knee showing your legs and the black small heel pumps that you had choose to wear as it also matches your black clutch. Your let your now curly hair bounce around your shoulder, some strands falling down your back. 

A notification from your phone interrupts your thoughts as you read the message. 

Aaron: I'm here. 

Y/n: okay, i'll be down in a minute :)

You type in a quick response, smiling at yourself with the state of both you and Hotch's situation was at. In a way you were insanely nervous about the ultimatum that would happen later but you shake your head before locking your door and walking out to meet him.

You stroll into the parking lot, to see him standing leaning back on his car typing away on his cell. You stop admiring the sight of the man before you. His raven hair stood in an neat way, gelled down and professional. He had a maroon button up, the fabric clinging to his arms and chest. He had black slacks on that fit him, making the all-too serious man way more attractive.

He looks up at you a shocked expression flashing over his face before quickly fixing his face putting on a small smile. The night lights casted a beautiful shine on his face illuminating all his features. You walk up to him as he opens the car door for you, allowing you to get inside. He then goes around getting in from the driver seat to start the car. 

As he drives you look out the window, taking in the beautiful street lights that lit up the streets and small shops that you passed. The drive was a good hour and you were becoming restless at this point. 

"Aaron, where are we going, you just said to dress elegantly." You remind him shooting a look of impatience. He lets out a chuckle, putting one hand on your knee causing a warmth flow through you at the sudden touch. 

"We're almost there, just relax." He tells you, moving his hand up and down on your leg. You murmur along the lines of 'asshole' as a blush creeps on your face, knowing how much you were able to melt under his touch. 

Hotch looks at you one, furrowing his eyebrows knowing you were trying to be smart without him hearing. "What did you say, princess?" He says in a humming tone, his hand coming dangerously close to your panties as it was already high on you thigh. 

"Ehm no-nothing." Was all you can say, trying not to let the fire in your body take over. A few breathes leave through your mouth, your heart rate speeding up slightly. 

Hotch takes his hand off, parking the car in a parking lot which had a sign that said 'Bistrot La Semilla'

A french restaurant?  You remember telling him that you had always wanted to go Paris, a conversation you had with Emily as well. You both laughed talking about one day you both would run away to Paris changing your names and becoming new people. You get out the car linking arms with Hotch as you guys walk inside the fancy restaurant. It was white themed, the tables having a neatly white cloth placed on top the chairs and seats being an elegant deep black that matched the interior. 

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 {𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now