Chapter 1

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"Dad keep the shoes on the shoe rack please" said Omkara his head still bent over a book that he started reading an hour back while he sat in the living room of their small cozy house waiting for his father to return home.

Kaali Chowdary stopped in his tracks and cursed mentally realizing that his attempt to sneak into his room to escape his son has failed. He sighed looking at Omkara who got up from his place and turned his head away from the book to give his father his complete attention. "Om!! You have eyes even at the back of your head?"

When his son continued to give him his infamous calm look Kaali knew he was angry.

"Sorry I got late... I was about to come home soon Om but that Tej held me back saying it was the last time we are going to have a drink since he was leaving town. One drink led to another and before I realized it is past eleven" Kaali explained guiltily.

"Tej uncle is leaving town for a few days... not forever" Omkara said and Kaali looked caught.

"Shoes" said Omkara again and Kaali obeyed his orders.

Omkara put the book on the teapoy and walked to his father who he observed was stumbling, trying hard to maintain balance. He silently walked him to his bedroom, helped him to change and freshen up.

"It is late dad let us talk tomorrow" said Omkara and left his father's room not before making sure that his father was tucked comfortably in his bed with the quilt covering his chest.

Kaali held his son's hand which made him turn to his father in confusion.

"I am sorry Om" said Kaali before he succumbed to sleep.

Omkara smiled and gently kissing his father's forehead left the room with hint of moisture in his dark brown eyes.


Next morning...........

"Dad we talked about this right. I am not against the idea of marriage. I only said that I will choose the girl. Am I asking too much? I don't understand why you end up being a Devdas whenever I reject any proposal. You clearly know that I have certain tastes"

"That is exactly the reason I don't want you to choose the girl Om" said Kaali angrily "You think with your brain all the time. Marriage is something related to the heart. You need to compromise at some point"

"No I won't dad. You know me. I need a life partner who equals me in everything and gives me my space. I can't have a clingy wife. She should be a career oriented woman because I am not interested in the house-wife type material. I am just being practical here. How is any of it wrong?"

"You need someone who understands you Om. Career oriented or not, she should give you first priority"

"How can you know that upon seeing her? Let us just assume I marry a girl you choose. What if I don't like her? Can I divorce her later on?"

"Omkara" roared Kaali. "Just because I had a bad marriage doesn't mean every marriage on earth has to end up into divorce. They are people happy out there understanding one another. Marriage is based on love, respect and trust not on conditions and careers"

"It is dad... Marriage is all about can't have people who can love you and be with you forever only because they love you and nothing else. We are in a period where everything comes at a price...everything is conditional...even if that is love"

"Om...please... when will you come out of this delusion? True love exists... I and your mother broke up not because she was a career oriented woman. We didn't get along because she never put effort into understanding me... I don't blame her for that because she is a completely different person from me. I only think that if she wanted to, we would have worked on our marriage."

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