Chapter 15

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"I missed you so much Pinky" said Rudra tightly hugging her while she laughed.

"I missed you too Rudy... How are you... How is Bhavya?" she asked him, kissing his cheek.

"She is fine... I am fine now because I saw my favorite maami" he said winking at her and Gauri rolled her eyes.

"Are you done with flattering your maami? Can we also get a hug" said Shakti smiling at his nephew and was soon engulfed in a tight hug making him stumble back while the rest of the elders laughed.

"Dramebaaz" muttered Prithviraaj looking at Kalyani who whispered "Haa.. daadu pe jo gaya hai... hoga hi na(he took after you...)"

"Jhanvi... see your mom has become too boring these days. You need to come here more often to give me company meri bachi" Prithviraaj said to his daughter who hugged him.

"Boring?... you are boring not me" said Kalyani said defensively looking at her daughter for support.

"My papa is the best in the world... How can you even say that maa" said Jhanvi efficiently lying, taking her father's side while Kalyani muttered "Papa ki chamchi (father's side kick)" making them giggle and give a hi five to each other.

"Don't worry maa.. I am with you" said Shakti coming to his mother.

"See... I have my own support system" she said holding Shakti's arm.

Omkara watched the family banter from afar. He didn't want to join them lest Jhanvi and Rudra spoil their mood.

Gauri and Pinky saw him standing at a distance and Pinky nudged her "Go... ask him to join beta... Rudra knows him right?"

Gauri nodded and walked towards him.

"Won't you join?" she asked him and he smiled at her nodding a no.

"Let it be... your maami might not like my presence" he answered taking her hand and soon enough Jhanvi's voice neared them.

"Right Omkara... I wouldn't have appreciated seeing you with my family" she said, taking Gauri's other hand and pulling her away from him "Stay away from Gauri" she warned while he sighed.

"Aunty I understand that you are angry but I regret what I did" he started when she showed him a hand stopping him.

"Where is Shivaay Gauri ? let me talk to your fiancé" she stressed the last part smiling... "It has been a while since I talked to your charming husband to be"

Omkara felt anger rise inside him but he kept cool not uttering a word.

"Mom... what is it?" asked Rudra reaching them.

"Nothing... we are going upstairs to meet Shivaay... come along" said Jhanvi taking Gauri along with her.

"Hi Rudra" greeted Omkara politely while Rudra smirked at him.

"Do you know at one point of time I used to admire were my inspiration. I even suggested that Gauri marries you Omkara sir..... Now looking at you standing all alone craving and begging for love I don't think I will ever want to be in your place"

Omkara tried to ignore his jibe but he was affected, nonetheless. Rudra is right... he is alone... begging for love which he doesn't know if he would ever get.

"Don't come near Gauri... I don't want to see her hurt because of you... you have done enough damage. If possible leave the place and go on to lead that lonely life of yours. It suits you better... you don't deserve Gauri at all" he said and Omkara left him without a second word.

Rudra looked at his seniors' back guilty for a second. Did he cross the line? But he did hurt Gauri didn't he? No...he had no right to hurt her... he deserved it. He resolved before turning to the stairs and stopped short when he saw his cousin's teary eyes looking in Omkara's direction.

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