New Girl, New Town

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I peered out the window as we drove into the campus. I managed to convince my mother it was worth her while to drive me to my new college.

Despite her lack of interest in me and my life, I've always felt the need to prove myself to my mother. I realise that she cares very little for me, I guess she could never love me as much as Lex, seeing as I wasn't her own. I was adopted as a child, aged 4 after my biological mother drowned. The memory still stings, my lack of reaction at the time hurt the most. I just let her die, I didn't do anything. I didn't even cry.

Quickly, I blinked away the tears forming in my eyes and sat myself up properly. We parked the car and I jumped out. I stretched my arms and legs, then took a look around me. The sun was shining brightly, and I could hear groups of people chatting loudly not too far away.

From the drive into town, Midvale appeared like a pleasant town. The people seemed friendly and the scenery was beautiful and my researched found that the crime rate was minimal, which is always a plus.

My mother thought I'd have been better off at the Metropolis University back home, but I needed a change. I needed to get out of the city. Midvale would seem like a little out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere kind of place, but the grades are impressive and it was a peaceful area. No life-threatening attacks, no Lex and Superman squabbles, nobody who knew who I was, or who my family were. That meant no strings from home. A fresh start for a new me.

A new girl in a new town.


The headteacher walked out of a set of doors from the nearest building. She had been aware of my arrival, and my mother had insisted they spoke before I settled in. The two women talked as we walked inside the building and up the stairs to her office.

Had I been listening, I'd have heard my mother drone on about how important it was for me to have the very best education, and how she would likely pay extra for advanced topics and teachers worthy of teaching me. Of course, she respectfully declined and said that the school was perfectly capable of teaching at the high standards my mother wished for me.

I didn't think moving out this far meant I could slack off a little, I knew my mother's grip could reach the Antarctic. But I had hoped for a little more space to breathe. I'd spent most of my childhood with her glaring down my neck, ensuring I worked hard and kept pushing myself to my limits. This was the closest I'd ever come to vacation.

After a while, the headteacher who, from the sign on her desk, was called Miss C. Grant, let out a small sigh.

"So, Lena, " she said, turning her focus to me, now that she'd dealt with my mother.

"Yes, Miss Grant?"

She took out two pieces of paper from her desk drawer and handed them to me. I took them from her hand and look at them intently.

"A map of the grounds, and your timetable, this is week 1. If you go down the stairs, to the ground floor, on your left should be a reception. They will tell you which dorm room you're in and who with and they'll give you your key."

"Thank you, Miss Grant."

"Welcome to Midvale College Miss Luthor. I trust that you'll make me proud." Miss Grant smiled kindly at me.

I returned it as I got up to leave. After a few handshakes, a few flights of stairs, and a short conversation with the receptionist lady, I headed back to our car to pick up my things.

I didn't bring much, just 2 suitcases, a rucksack and a bag of shoes. It wasn't long until my mother waved at me and said she was off. Before she did, she let me know that she'd have some people bring my car here in case I needed it.

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