Chapter Two

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Vernon turned in his sleep. Harry jumped, scared. He kept absolutely still, not even daring to breathe. Vernon started snoring again, and Harry relaxed.

Then his mind started racing. If he was going to run away, he was going to need a plan. He started listing off things in his room he was going to need, and what he was not.

'Hedwig, obviously, all of his Hogwarts things, some muggle money, extra sets of clothes, transportation, food'

These were the most important things he thought he would need. The plan was over the next few weeks, he would slowly try to steal and store away the stuff he needed under the lose floorboard in his room.

He looked at the clock, which read 1:16 am. He let out a slightly audible sigh. He really should get to bed. He always had to wake up before dawn to start on all of his chores for the day.

————The Next Day————

It was a really hot summer day, the air thick with moisture. The sun mercilessly beat down on his back. He was only half way through the day and he already soaked his shirt in sweat. Today he was forced to prune the flowers, mow the lawn, pull the weeds, and all that other trivial stuff that the pristine garden really didn't need.

Since he was already done anyways, he decided to lay down in his favorite spot in the flower bed, under the window. He could always hear what was happening in the house from that spot.

Vernon was going on and on about how wonderful Dudley was and how horrible a child Harry was. The usual. Petunia was rambling about what to make for dinner, and Dudley was just being plain annoying. The news was on, but he wasn't paying attention. He was thinking on how he was going to get money.

Food wasn't much of a problem. He snuck food all the time. His problem was that Petunia or Vernon never took their eyes off their wallets. He was never given an allowance, and had very little luck finding money.

He sighed in exasperation. He doubted he would ever get enough. He opened his eyes and started to watch the clouds go by. A falcon flew by, which was interesting because he never saw much of those.

The falcon slowed down, and started going in a circle. It flew in place there for a moment, then dived, right into someone's yard.

'Guess he found something'

Harry let out a deep sigh, and stretched his stiff limbs. He sat up, and scooted over to the right so he could use the wall at a backrest. He crossed his arms, and daydreamed of what freedom would be like. No Dursley's, no soggy rotten food. He could go wherever he wanted, talk to whoever he wanted.

In his mind, it was heaven. But in actuality, he was going to get something much different.

Then he saw it. Just sitting there on the sidewalk. They were crumpled, but there was no doubt about what they were. Money. Real money.

Harry's eyes widened, and in a fleeting moment, with care for Vernon's watchful eye, he made his way quickly for the money. He bent down, holding the crinkled bills in his hands. He counted it. It was exactly 150 pounds.

He cautiously looked left and right, folded up the money nicely, and put it in the pocket of his jeans.

He was practically shaking with joy. He was going to be free of the Dursley's. Just one more day with them, just one more.

Hey there, I'll try to update as fast as I can, but schools a hassle, and this is my first story, so updates might take a while.
I will take constructive criticism, all hate will be blocked though. Enjoy!

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