Chapter 8

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It was mid-morning when Harry awoke again. The sunlight came in through the windows like golden strips of fabric. The grass swayed slightly in the wind, a bird landing on the window sill. It pecked the window twice, and that's when Harry came out of his trance like state.

It was Hedwig. She was aggressively trying to get through the window. Ash came over, stunned at the snow-white owl scratching at the glass, holding envelopes.

"Ash, that's Hedwig, would you mind letting her in?"

Ash raised an eyebrow at him, curious as to why he had an owl as a pet. They shook their head, but said nothing. She opened the window to an impatient owl, landing immediately next to Harry.

Harry sat up, still healing from cracked ribs, and took the letters from Hedwig. Harry stroked her as he tore open the messages. He opened Ron's letter first, grinning slightly at his messy handwriting.


I just want to say congrats to getting away from those horrible muggles, and that there's always a place for you to stay here if you need it. I find it strange you want to spend time with muggles, but you do you. Be careful, and write to me, alright mate?


Harry smiled at the note, and put it in his pack, before opening Hermione's

Dear Harry,

I wish you well on your journey, and to be careful out there. Muggles can be dangerous, and make sure your not sleeping in the cold. You could get sick. Head over to Ron's if you need to. If you need anything, owl me. In the meantime, I sent some Honeydukes chocolate for the road. Just promise me you won't do anything stupid.


Harry chuckled slightly at Hermione's mother-like attitude. He didn't hate it. He depended on it actually, to tell the truth. Hermione was always the smart one that kept him out of *most* trouble.

He looked up to see Heather and Quincy staring peculiarly at Hedwig.

"Um we just came to see how you were doing, and is that a fucking owl!?" Quincy's voice cracked a little at the last word.

Harry chuckled. "Yeah she is, this is Hedwig"

Harry lifted her up in his arm to show her off. Heather visibly awwed.

"Can I pet her? Or is she the type to bite?"

"Most likely not. Come here, just let her judge you first. You don't happen to have anything for her to eat do you?"

Heather opened her eyes wide. She pulled out a plastic bag with a dead rat in it.

"I found this in our traps this morning. Fresh kill, will this do?"

Harry was surprised to see she had a rat, but nodded anyway. Heather walked up to Hedwig, and offered the rat. Hedwig looked at her suspiciously, like she didn't trust her, but took the rat anyways. Heather cautiously lifted her hand, and Hedwig put the rat down, and let Heather gently stroke her.

Quincy shook his head, and put a tray in Harry's lap.

"Here, I brought you some breakfast, and I also came here to answer questions, but first, how are you doing?"

"I'm feeling better" he said while taking a bite of toast.

"That's good, and I also came here to tell you that when Ash here let's you go, were going to get you some new clothes. It's a custom here at the Red Lotus."

Excitement surged within Harry. But a question arose too.

"Wait, how do you pay for all this. I'm curious. Feeding this many people must cost a lot."

"It does, but that's why we have funding. He supplies us with food and money, while keeping us a secret. He owns this warehouse, but we'd still all be sent to an orphanage if we were found out."

"Oh, that's cool, but I'm also curious, what did Heather mean by lesbian, and what did Peter mean by trans. I've never heard of any of this."

Quincy visibly did a double take. He thought for a moment before answering.

"Woah, you were really never taught any of this? Well then, Heather, come over here, we have a code white."

Heather perked up from her trance of petting Hedwig. She retracted her hand, and immediately sat down next to Harry.

So Quincy and Heather spent the next few hours explaining sexualities and genders and all that to Harry. Harry asked questions every now and then, Ash or Sam joining sometimes.

~~ The Next Day~~

Will be in the next chapter. Sorry it's just what I have next will be long, so I want it to have its own chapter

Also thank you for 224 reads! It's nice knowing people actually read my amateur writing.

Here have some sushi 🍣

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