Chapter Three

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It was 11:00 pm, the only sounds were Vernon sleeping, the occasional howl of the gentle late-night wind, and the rustle of trees. Harry was putting the last of his things in this backpack Hermione helped him charm last year.

The backpack was an unassuming black, with five pockets. Three main pockets, and two smaller ones on the sides. The charm made the space in the backpack almost infinite, and kept it lightweight. It was much more efficient than lugging around a big trunk everywhere.

He also figured out how to unlock Hedwig's cage without magic, and he sent her along with a message to Ron and Hermione, both reading the same.

Dear Ron/Hermione,

Just like you to know I'm running away from the Dursley's, and to not worry about me. I'm going to spend a little time in the Muggle world. I want to see what the rest of the Non-Magic world is like. I'll owl you if I need a place to stay.


Harry looked around the room and thought; 'I'm probably more likely to be friends with Malfoy than miss this place'

He stood up, and slung his backpack onto his shoulders, careful not to make any noise. Then, a though popped into his head. He grinned, and a moment later, there was a note on his bed that read;

Fuck Off

Then, holding back laughter, he made his way to the door, then down the stairs, avoiding the last step. That was when Uncle Vernon decided to turn in his sleep.

Harry froze in fear, heartbeat quickening. He didn't dare to breathe. Then Vernon started snoring again, and Harry relaxed a little. The next thing he knew, he was slowly opening the front door, easing out as soon as it was wide enough, and closing it as quietly as he could

Fresh midnight air nipped at him like an ice cold needle, but it was relaxing. Harry took a deep breath, before putting up the hood on his jacket. The street was dim, only lit by street lamps on either side of the street.

Sticking his hands in his coat pockets, he made his way right, not really knowing where he was going, just that he wanted to get as far away as possible.


Harry has been walking for hours, taking various turns and routes. He ended up in this public park in a urban city, and decided to call it a night. He was exhausted, and the sky was becoming lighter.

He laid down on the nearest bench, curling up to stay warm. The metal bench was uncomfortable, but he didn't care. He was too tired to care. He fell asleep almost instantly.


Hey guys, author here. Just wanted to say thanks to whoever decided to read this story. It's going to be a bumpy ride, but I promise to finish it.

Here, have some ramen 🍜

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