Chapter Four

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Harry woke with a shock. He was definitely having a nightmare, although he couldn't remember what it was.

"Hey man you good? You looked like you were having a panic attack," a young male voice asked him

Harry blinked a few times, and looked up at the  pale boy talking to him. He was around his age, and taller then with a black leather jacket, a red band shirt that read: The White Stripes, black skinny jeans, red converses, and dyed blue hair. There was also various pins and patches on his jacket. He also had these brilliant blue eyes.

Harry sat up, and rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a nightmare. Who're you?"

"Quincy, and you?"


Quincy shook Harry's hand

"Well, Harry, what are you doing sleeping on a park bench?"

Harry didn't know how to answer that. He just met the guy, but he seemed trustworthy.

"I ran away. I don't really have anywhere to go," Harry replied.

Quincy looked at him quizzically for a moment, then smiled.

"Well your in luck," he said. "Come with me, I'll explain on the way"

Harry looked at him suspiciously, but decided to follow him anyway. Harry's big question was why. Why was this kid being nice to a runaway?

"So, Harry, your probably wondering where I'm taking you. Well, it's basically this underground society for other runaways or orphans. We take them in, give them a place to sleep, give them some food, and support. Lots of support. There's no judgement there, so be yourself if you want to."

Harry nodded. He wondered if the no judgement thing included wizards. He'd have to find out. Until then, he would keep that a secret.

"So, Harry, don't talk much do you?"

Quincy's comment snapped him back to reality.

"I mean, not really. I grew up in a place where I usually got punished for talking. One of my reasons for running away." Harry blatantly said

"Huh, well you can tell everyone more about yourself when we get there. We're not that far."

The rest of the way was walked in a slightly awkward silence. Most of the awkwardness coming from Harry. Quincy, however, seemed completely confident. He walked with a stride in his step, hands in his pockets. He whistled an unfamiliar tune while they were walking. A lot of people stared at his strange appearance, but he ignored them, keeping his chin up.

Harry kind of admired that confidence. When people stared, he always seemed to try to shrink away from them. He hid, and kept walking.

Quincy suddenly stopped whistling, and just stood in front of what looked like an old warehouse or factory of sorts. The building itself was grey, and huge, but it was colored in a lot of various graffiti and stickers.

Quincy walked up to the door meant for people, and knocked. A small slot in the door opened, and an older tanned girl peeked through.

"Password" She demanded

Quincy answers with: "Hey c'mon you know me"

"Password" she insisted.

Rolling his eyes Quincy answered with, "David Bowie"

Harry raised his eyebrow at the strange passcode, but decided not to mention it.

"I also have a new kid with me, so try to be polite Deanna"

Deanna huffed, and opened the door, to reveal she was a little shorter than Harry, with dark corkscrew hair, full lips, and hazel eyes.  She was wearing a purple t-shirt, jeans, and worn sneakers. She stood in front of the doorway, arms wide, to reveal a tattoo of a red flower of some sort on her wrist.

"Welcome to the Red Lotus new kid" she remarked, before moving out of the way of the door.

Quincy walked in first, then Harry. Deanna, as she was called, closed the door behind them. Harry walked by with a nervous expression on his face. Deanna took note of this, and put an arm around his shoulders.

"Don't look so scared kid, you'll be fine here, and Quince here was just trying to scare you. What's your name?"

Harry relaxed, and said "Harry"

"You got a last name?"


"Nice. Well I'm Deanna Thurman. Nice to meet you. I'm in charge of security around here. Quincy here goes on supply runs and occasionally brings back someone."

Harry smiled. People were being nice. He looked around the warehouse, to see a lot of kids and teens of varying ages. The youngest being at least two, the oldest maybe 20. The younger ones surprised him. He didn't know kids that young didn't have homes, or families.

He looked around more. The warehouse was big, and there was at least 25 people in there. It was one big area, but despite people living there, he didn't see any sleeping places. Then he looked up.

Above him was a well build structure about 10 feet from the roof, and going outward from the walls. There was this rigging that brought you upward. It was a wooden platform attached to a thick rope that moved up like an elevator.

Harry stared at the place in awe and wonder. Meanwhile Quincy and Deanna just grinned.

"This is bloody brilliant" Harry said

"Yeah it is. Now come on. There's some people I want you to meet." Quincy said.


Hey guys. Just wanted to say thank you for reading and I hope you share this with someone. It's not a great story but I'm writing it anyways. And hey, longest chapter yet! The rest will probably be shorter though.

P.S. I will take constructive criticism. Not hate. That is all

Here, have some curry 🍛

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