Chapter Six

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With Heather still supporting him, he hobbled over to sick bay, where two older people were treating a few kids with scrapes and bruises. He couldn't tell if they were male or female. They were just wearing blue clothes with black shoes, one more round-faced and soft, with grey eyes, and half black half blond hair, pulled into a shoulder length ponytail. The other with a sharper jawline, startling green eyes, and short light brown hair.

"Hey! New kid incoming!" Heather shouted at them. She set Harry down on the nearest open cot, wincing as he laid down.

The one with the green eyes said something inaudible to the other, set down the box of band-aids they were holding, and made their way towards Harry's cot.

"So, I'm Sam, I'm one of the doctors here, and you look terrible." They said all this while grabbing random supplies. They snatched a couple pillows from the other empty cots, and used them to prop Harry up so he was at least sitting up.

"Alright then, you seem to be in a lot of pain, scale of one to ten, how bad is it?"

"Seven" Harry panted.

"Well then, I'm gonna need to examine you. Are you able to move?"

Harry tried, but more pain shot through him, and he immediately sank right back into the pillows.

"I guess that's a no then. Heather, I'm going to need help with this. Prop him up, we're gonna try and take his jacket off."

Heather nodded, and she put a hand between his shoulder blades and gently lifted him up. Harry winced a little, but said nothing. Sam painstakingly peeled off his coat, and set it down. Sam then preceded to take of his shirt.

The damage was brutal. His chest and stomach were covered in purple, blue, and yellow bruises. Sam pokes and asked question, before coming to a diagnosis.

"So, there's a lot wrong here"

"Thanks Captain Obvious" Heather said sarcastically.

Sam rolled his eyes, and continued. "Well it's the broken ribs for me tho. A couple are bruised, and I think one might be cracked. Not much I can do but bandage it and hope for the best."

Pretty soon Harry was covered in bandages and laying in a cot with so many pillows and a light blanket. The other person, whose name was Ash, brought him water and some painkillers.

He was also given Lucille the emotional support bunny. She was a black and red fuzzy stuffed animal. Harry tried to decline, but Ash insisted on him having it.

Harry eventually gave up and just put the bunny next to him on the bed. With a sigh he laid down, and closed his eyes. He couldn't sleep, but he thought about himself and all the things that have happened to him.

Harry's second most important thought was how far would Vernon have gone. Would he have done so much damage, it would never heal. What would've happened if he stayed?

He shook his head. He didn't need those thoughts right now. They were only burdening. And that was when he felt the beginnings of a breakdown.

Turns out Lucille was needed. Existential crisis activated.

He just sat there, hugging the bunny, crying silently. The thoughts and memories of what Vernon have done was finally getting to him. He needed this moment right now. He needed to be vulnerable right now. Wave after wave of feels came in.

It had been an hour before he finally breathed properly, wiped his face, and faced his next crisis.


Hello there. I'm not really good at writing something with feels right now. I will work on that.

Please give me feed back. I need advice as a first time writer. No hate though. Just constructive criticism.

Also, thank you to @MikkiSteel2 for my first votes!

Here have a bento box 🍱

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