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Veronica and Betty broke the kiss, turning their heads as they heard the brunette's voice. Veronica stood up and walked over to the smaller girl, but Toni rushed out of the diner. The raven haired girl ran behind her and grabbed her arm before she could go.

"Toni, I can explain-"

"Explain what Veronica? That you don't have feelings for me anymore so you go and kiss Nancy Drew without even breaking up with me?"

"It's not how it looks like, I-"

"Save your apologies for some other dumb ass out there" The brunette let go of Veronica's grip and walked far away, disappearing into the dark.

While the two were arguing, Cheryl was calming Betty down, rubbing her back gently.

"It's alright cousin, you did nothing wrong, if Veronica wanted to kiss you while she was still with Toni, that's her fault"

"But Cheryl, Toni and I, we weren't amazing friends, but we did have a bond, and now it's broken"

"You don't know that, maybe she's mad at V and not you, just calm down"

"Do you think, maybe....you could talk to her? You guys are very close.."

"Sure cousin, I'll go catch up with her, you stay here and sort things out with V"

The redhead walked out, finding Veronica standing still with her hands in her hair. Cheryl walked to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Where's Toni?"

"She..she left...Cheryl, I-I think I lost her, not only as a girlfriend, but also as a friend..."

The redhead gave her a small smile and hugged her, letting Veronica rest her head on her shoulder and let tears fall out.

"Everything will be alright, I'll talk with her if you want"

"Yes, please, it would mean a lot, I don't want things between us ending on bad terms"

Cheryl nodded, and let go of the hug, walking over to her car. She drove off, trying to find Toni in the dark. Veronica walked back in and saw Betty with a worried face, sitting in a booth looking at the window. The raven haired girl walked over to her and tapped her shoulder.

"B, I...I think we should talk about this"

"About the kiss? Or the fact that you still want Toni and don't feel the way you said you did towards me"

"Betty, I do like you, and I want to be with you, but you have to understand that I still have to break up with Toni, and we've been together for two years now"

"Don't worry V, I totally get that, in fact, if I remember correctly, I was the one who told you to break up with Toni before anything happened between us" Betty stood up and started to walk off but Veronica held her hand. The blonde turned around and locked a stare with the raven haired girl, before feeling soft lips on hers. She was about to respond to the kiss, but remembered what happened earlier, and pushed Veronica back.

"I'm sorry V, it really hurts having to push you away, but I can't do this now, not while you're with Toni"

Betty walked out, heading home, while Veronica was left alone, with nobody to hold.

At the same time, Toni was walking on a road, in the dark, alone. Tears were falling from her eyes, and she was cold because of the wind. The breeze became stronger and all the brunette could do was hug herself, in the search for heat. If she had anyone by her side, she could get warmer just by holding them.

The smaller girl looked behind her and saw lights of a car shinning down the road. Toni felt frightened at the sight, knowing it was late and no one was around to help her or hear if she got kidnapped. The brunette picked up her pace and tried to not let her fear take over. She heard the car speed up and reach her, parking right beside her. Toni stopped her tracks and looked at the window that started to roll down.

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