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Sokka's POV
I was walking around with Katara shopping. She was talking about something I wasn't really paying attention. "Sokka?" She asked. I looked at her. "What?" I asked. "Did you hear anything I just said?" She asked. "No." I said. "Ugh. We're gonna shop for about ten more minutes then head home." She said. I nodded. We walked into a store and I walked off to the guy's section. I looked at their button ups. I grabbed a few then went to the jeans. Ripped jeans is what I was looking for. I grabbed like five pairs of them and went to go pay. "Hi." The cashier said to me. "Hi." I said. She smiled at me. "I'm Suki." She said. "Sokka." I said. She rung up my clothes and gave me the bag. I handed her a twenty. "Sokka you have really great style." She said. I looked at what I was wearing. "Thanks Suki." I said smiling. She smiled. "Can you hold this for me? I have to find someone." I said. She nodded and took my bag. I walked to the girl section trying to find Katara. "There you are. What is taking you so long?" I asked. "What do you mean. We've been here for. Thirty minutes." She said. "Yea. We should have left by now." I said. "Fine." She said. We walked to the cashier. Suki gave me my bag and I thanked her. "You know. You seem nice. Do you wanna hang some time?" Suki asked me. "Sure. Give me your number. I'll text you." I said. She wrote down her number and gave it me. I smiled taking it. "Come on. Let's go." Katara said. "Bye Suki." I said. "Bye." She said. We walked out the store. "What was that?" She said. "What? I can't make friends." I said. "I mean you can." She said. "Yea. Just friends. Plus she's not my type." I said. "What is your type?" She asked. "Why do you want to know?" I asked. "Because I wanna try to find you a girlfriend." She said. "No." I said. We got into our Uber. "What why not? You've been single for a while." She said. "I like being single." I said. "Come on. One date." She said. "No." I said. She sighed. "Please Sokka?" She asked. "Why do you want me to date so much?" I asked. "Because. I have a friend a she kinda has a crush on you. You know technically it's not her fault since your always walking around shirtless." She said. "Yea. Cause it's my home. I can't walk around shirtless." I said. "You can. But does it have to be every time my friends are over?" She asked. "I'm always shirtless at home." I said. The Uber stopped at our house and we paid him and got out. We walked inside. "Hey dad." I said. "Hey. Back so soon?" He asked. "We left three hours ago." Katara said. "Yea. You two usually shop for the whole day." He said. I shrugged. "So Sokka. Have you thought about it?" Katara asked me. "Katara. I told you no." I said. "No to what?" Dad asked. "I'm trying to get him a-." Katara started but I cover her mouth. "She wants me to go on a date with one of her friends." I said. "Why won't you?" He asked. "Because her friends aren't my type." I said. "So tell me your type and I found you a girlfriend." Katara said. Girls aren't my type. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs. I grabbed a towel and head into my bathroom. I turned the water on. I took my hair out letting it fall down. I got undressed and got in the shower. I was in for about an hour before I got out. I grabbed my towel wrapping it around my waist. I opened my bathroom door and Katara and her friend were sitting on my bed. "What do you want Katara?" I asked walking to my closet. "Really. I feel like you want to show off to her." She said to me. "Your in my room." I said. She ignored me. "Hi Sokka." Her friend said. I'm pretty sure her name was Yue. "Up and out." I said. "Get changed in your closet. We wanna talk." Katara said. "Up. And. Out." I said. "Just change in your closet." Katara said. "I will get dad if you don't get out my room." I said. She rolled her eyes. "We'll be back." She said getting up. Yue stood up and the two walked out. I closed and locked my door. "Really Sokka?" Katara asked. "Really." I said. I put on boxers and a pair of sweats. I jumped onto my bed grabbing my phone. I heard a knock on my door. "Yea?" I asked. "Dad ordered pizza." Katara said. "Ok." I said getting up. I opened my door and walked past her. She grabbed my arm. "What?" I asked. "Why don't you like Yue?" She asked. "I never said I didn't like her." I said. She smiled. "So you'll go on a date with her?" She asked happily. "No. I don't like her like that." I said. She groaned. I smiled and walked downstairs. I walked past Yue going into the kitchen. I opening the fridge grabbing a strawberry. I ate it throwing the leaves in the trash. I walked upstairs and put on a shirt socks and shoes. I walked back downstairs. "Are you going to go talk to Suki?" Katara asked. "Who's Suki?" Yue asked. "I'm going on a walk." I said making sure I had my phone in my pocket. I did. I smiled and walked out the house. I started walking trying to go somewhere I haven't actually been. I saw light appearing a disappearing in an alleyway. I looked down and it was a boy. A hot boy. And he was making the fire. From nothing. He did it so powerful yet so graceful. I took a video then just watched. I wanted to get closer so I moved closer a bit. I made a little noise and he looked up. "Who's there?" He asked. His voice. He had like a a raspy voice and god was it hot. I hid and went wide eyed when fire went straight past my face. "Who's there?" He asked again. His voice. A door opened. "Come inside nephew." I heard a second voice. "I'm a bit." He said. The door closed. He started doing the fire thing again. I slowly mad my way out the alleyway. Relived he didn't see me. I walked back home. "Katara." I said. "What's up." She asked. "Did Yue leave?" I asked. "Yea." She said. "Ok. I need you to look at something." I said. I pulled out my phone and showed her a video of the boy making fire. She looked at it then at me. "When did you get so good at editing?" She asked. "It's not an edit. I just saw him doing this." I said. "There's no way. People just can't make fire out of nothing." She said. "Well. This guy can." I said. "Go to sleep. We'll talk in the morning." She said. I went upstairs and went to bed. I woke up the next morning and grabbed my phone. Ten in the morning. I groaned. "Sokka get up." I heard Katara say. I got up and got dressed. I put my hair up and got my shoes on. I brushed my teeth and walked out my room. "Hey. We're gonna meet up with Aang." She said. "Ok." I said. "Let me see that video you showed me last night again." She said. I showed her. "What are you two looking at?" Dad asked. "Just a video." I said putting my phone away. "We're gonna go meet up with Aang. Bye dad!" Katara said. We left and walked to the cafe. Aang was sitting at table and we sat with him. "Hey." He said. "Hey Aang." I said. The two started talking. "I'm gonna get our order." Katara said getting up. She walked off and I looked at Aang. "Can I show you something?" I asked. He nodded and I showed him the video. "Woah. That's fire bending." He said. "What?" I asked. "He's fire bending. I didn't know anyone could still bend." He said. "What is bending?" I asked. "You've never heard the stories?" He asked. I shook my head. "Ok well. In the past people were able to bend elements. Water, Air, Earth and Fire. This guy you saw. Was fire bending." He said. He gave me my phone back. Katara came back. "So. The guy was fire bending. Supposedly people were able to bend elements in the past." I said to her. "Cool." She said. We ate and talked. We got up and left. "We should go to the park." Aang said happily. "Ok." Katara said. We walked to the park and we went to the dome thingy. Aang climbed to the top hooking his legs on the top metal bar letting himself fall so he was hanging upside down. Katara sat on the ground next to his head. "So Sokka. Do you like any one?" Aang asked. "No. Do you Aang?" I asked already knowing the huge crush he had on Katara. "I do." He said blushing. "What?" Katara asked. "What? I do have a crush." Aang said. She rolled her eyes and huffed. "Katara what about you?" I asked. "Yea. He kinda pisses me off at times." She said. "Woah. Language." Aang said. I laughed at him and Katara did too. "What? I'm deathly serious. Cursing is bad." Aang said. "Ok. Oh my god Aang you should get Appa." Katara said. "Yea. Let me go grab him." Aang said. He looked at me. "Help." He said smiling. I climbed to the top and helped him. "Ok. Be right back." He said running off. "That kids is so fucking fast." I said. "I know." Katara said. Appa was Aang's Bison. Yea a flying Bison. But it was a baby. He found it when he was on a trip. "Ok. But honestly I didn't even know flying bisons still existed. I thought they were extant." I said. "Me too. But Aang said he found it when he went to the mountains up south." Katara said. He came back with the bison. "Isn't he cute?" Aang asked. "He's adorable." Katara squealed. "Cute." I said. Appa licked Katara and she laughed. "Gyatso told me. That he's gonna get huge soon." Aang said petting Appa. Gyatso was Aang's adoptive father. Since his parents left him at a very young age. Gyatso took him in. Aang went back to hanging upside down and Appa joined him. I looked around and saw him. The fire bender from the other night. He was with a girl who was pretty short. They were walking into the parking. He looked at me smirked. He winked at me and I went wide eyed blushing. He smiled before looking away. I looked back at my friends. "What's got you so flustered?" Katara asked. "Nothing." I said. I climbed to the middle sitting one one of the bars. "So. What's are plan today?" I asked. "Don't know. We could go shopping soon." Katara said. "Yes." I said. "I love how you love clothes." She said to me. "I like to look good." I said. "Ok. Let's head to the mall." Aang said. I nodded and we got up. We walked past the pair and I looked at the boy. God he was even hotter closer. "Come on Sokka. I wants more clothes." Katara said. "I'm like two steps behind you woman." I said looking to her. "Yea. But you cloud be next to me. So your not walking fast enough. Let's go." She said. I rolled my eyes tossing my head back slightly walking next to her. "When we get to the mall. Do you think they'll let Appa in?" Aang asked. "They don't have a sign." I said. "Yea because everyone thinks there are none. Take him home Aang." Katara soad. "Ok." He said. His house was close to the park so we didn't walk to far. "Bye buddy." He said. I ordered an Uber and we waited outside of Aang's. The Uber pulled up and we got in. The woman drove us to the mall and I paid once we got out. We walked in the mall. I saw Suki walking. "Suki!" I yelled. She looked up and smiled. "Sokka." She said coming over to us. "Hey." I said. "Hey." She said. "I'm Aang." Aang said. "Suki." She said. She looked at us. "So what are you guys doing here?" She asked. "Uh. Shopping." I said. "Again. You guys must really like clothes." She said smiling. "Yup." Katara said. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm actually waiting for a uh. Friend. She's supposed to be here soon." She said. "Do you want us to wait with you?" I asked. "Sure. I'm sitting alone and I feel like a loner." She said laughing a bit. I smiled and I stood next to her. We talked for a bit and car pulled up in front of us. It was an expensive car. The window rolled down. "This them?" A voice asked. It was him. "I don't know. I'm blind." The girl in seat said waving a hand in her face. "Right." He said. "Hey Toph." Suki said. "It's her." The girl know know as Toph said. "Alright. Get out my car. I got to park." He said. "Alright alright." Toph said.  She opened the door and stepped out. The car pulled off once the door was closed. "Ok. Well. We should get going. Gotta get to the stores upstairs." I said trying to get out of there before the boy came back. "No. Are you guys shopping?" Katara asked. "Yea." Suki said. "We can shop together." She said. "Ok." Suki said smiling. "I'm Toph." The small girl said. "Sokka. Aang. And I'm Katara." She said. The boy came up behind us. "Alright. What are we doing?" He asked. "Well. We are shopping with these three." Toph said. "Cool." He said. "Let's go." Katara said. "I miss Appa." Aang mumbled as we walked in. "We can get him when we're done shopping." Katara said. "I'm Zuko." The boy said to me. "Sokka." I said. He looked me up and down. "Your cute." He said. I blushed and smiled. We shopped for a while. "Your getting a crop top?" Katara asked me. "I mean yea." I said. "Fuck toxic masculinity." She mumbled walking off. I rolled my eyes smiling as I paid. "Here you go." The cashier woman said to me. I smiled and took my bags. I paid her and walked out the store. "Sokka. Let's grab something to eat." Zuko said. "But they're still in the store." I said already following him. "They'll be fine without us for a while." He said. I nodded and we walked into a McDonalds. We ordered and sat down while we waited. "If you don't mind me asking. What happened to your eye?" I asked. "I was younger. I got into an accident. Burned my eye." He said. "Can I touch it?" I asked. "Go ahead." He said. I lifted my hand up and softly touch the scar. "It looks sick but I'm sorry it happened to you." I said. "It's cool. It's my own personal battle scar." He said smiling. I pulled my hand away and looked at him. Our number was called and he went up and grabbed the food. I got a ten piece nugget and a large fry with a large sprite I was already drinking. My phone went off and I grabbed it. It was Katara she was calling. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Where the hell are you?" She asked. "Language." I heard Aang say. "I went to get something to eat with Zuko." I said. "And you didn't tell us. We're starving. Where are you guys?" She asked. "One of the McDonald's." I said. "Which floor?" She asked. "The one above the one the store we were just in." I said. "Ok." She said. I hung up and Zuko sat down with our food. "Who was that?" He asked. "Katara. Wanted to know where we were." I said taking one of my fries. He nodded. We ate in a comfortable silence. Katara and them walked in. They sat at the table next to us and so on until everyone was sitting. Aang and Suki got up to order. "Why did you guys walk off?" Toph asked. "I was hungry and you guys were taking to long." Zuko said. "I barely bought anything. I was with Suki the entire time." Toph said. "Just saying." He said. Katara looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. I'm just trying to think about which one of my friends you'd look good with." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Stop trying to set me up with your damn friends Katara." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Because. I don't like them. Not my type. How many times do I have to tell you that?" I asked. "A lot until I get an actual good reason. People perspectives change. Like mine. I didn't like guys younger than me. But look at me know. I'm crushing on one." She said. I rolled my eyes. "I still think you look great with Yue." She said. "Stop." I mumbled. "Who's Yue?" Zuko asked. "Her friend who has a crush on me." I said. "It's one date. I promise you two will hit it off." She said. I ignored her. Zuko leaned next to me. "Does she know your gay?" He asked whispering. I choked on my fucking drink. He sat back down. "So no." He said. I glared at him  and he smirked. "What was that about?" Katara asked. "Nothing." I said couching slightly. "I'll call her. She'd want to meet up." Katara said. She kept rambling as I tried to call her name. "Katara." I said slamming my hand on the table she was at. She jumped. "What? Yue is coming she's gonna look her best. So you tw-." She started rambling again. "Shut up!" I said. She stopped talking. "Rude." She mumbled. "Well stop trying to hook me up with your fucking friend who I have told you repeatedly I do not want to date." I said. "Katara. You should stop. It's obvious Sokka doesn't want to." Aang said softly. "And why not? Yue is pretty." Katara said. Aang looked at me then back at Katara. "Sokka just doesn't like her." Aang said. "Yea but why? If he doesn't like her there has to be a reason." Katara said to him. I put my food in a bag and got. I walked out the McDonald's. "Why don't you just tell her?" I heard Zuko ask. I looked to my side. "I don't know. Kinda scared she might be like disappointed in me." I mumbled. He looked at me. "Why would it matter?" He asked softly. "Because. She's like a mother figure to me. I depend on her for mainly everything." I said. "I think telling her is the only real way for her to actually stop bothering you with that." He said. I nodded. "Can we leave? Like just me and you." I said. "Yea. I'll text Suki tell her to tell Toph  I left." He said taking out his phone. We walked to his car. "Where to?" He asked. "I don't know. Somewhere Katara won't find me." I said. "I'll take you to my house." He said. I smiled and he pulled out the parking lot. He drove and I looked out the window. The music was playing and I just watched everything pass. He drove across the bridge. I'm not surprised he lives on the rich side of town. He pulled into a driveway of a huge house. "Woah." I mumbled. He chuckled and got out. I got out. Now I'm confused because yesterday he was on the other side of town. We aren't poor over there. Just not rich. He led me inside and I looked around. "Your house is nice." I said. "Thanks." He said. "Zuzu." I heard a voice say. I looked at Zuko and he just shook his head. "Hey Azula." He said. A girl walked over to us. "Who's this?" She asked. "A friend." He said. "Your gonna fuck." I heard someone couching. I couldn't hear what they said. "Fuck off Mai." Zuko said. Two more girls walked over. Zuko hugged one of them. A girl with the braided ponytail circled me. "He's cute." She said. I smiled. "Sokka. This is my sister. Azula and her friends. Mai and Ty-Lee." Zuko said. "Hi." I said. "Hi." Ty-Lee said. Mai nodded and Azula looked at me. "He is cute Zuzu." She said. "Alright. We are going to my room. Come on Sokka." He said walking off. "Have fun." Mai said. Zuko flipped her off and she smirked. I followed him as he walked. He opened the door letting me walking in. I smiled and walked in. He walked in and closed the door. "Make yourself comfortable." He said. I put our bag of food on a night table he had next to his bed. I sat on his bed. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and tossed it to the side. "Your bed is comfy." I said pushing down on it. "Thanks." He said siting down next to me. "How did you know?" I asked. "Hm?" He hummed. "How did you know?" I asked. "Your style. And the fact I caught you staring at me multiple times." He said. I blushed and looked away. "How old are you Sokka? He asked. "Nineteen. You?" I asked. "Twenty." He said. "So you live with your sister." I said. "And her friends." He said. "Cool. I live with My sister and our dad." I said. "When do you plan on moving out?" He asked. "When I figure out how to do my own laundry." I said truthfully. "Really?" He asked laughing softly. "Really. Katara does it. Every Friday." I said. "What happens when she moves out?" He asked. "No we planned it already. We are planning on living together. But we can't until Aang is allowed too. Since he isn't a legal adult. But once I figure out my own laundry. I move out." I said. "17?" He asked. "Yea." I said. "That's how old Toph is." He said. I nodded. My phone went off so I grabbed it. Katara was texting. I turned my phone off and put it on the night table grabbing our food. I took out and we put on his bed. We put all the food together to share. He had put on the TV and just let random shows play. "Do you care if I stay over?" I asked. "Nah it's cool. I was kinda hoping you would." He said. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. He nodded and got up. "Come on. You can wear something of mine." He said. I got up and followed him into his closet. I looked around. I asked over to the hoodies he had. "Pick whatever." He said. I smiled and looked through them. I grabbed a maroon one with flames on the sleeve. It had a middle finger on the back. "I like this." I said. "I can get you one. You look good in red." He said. I smiled and thanked him. I grabbed a pair of sweats. He grabbed something and walked out. He closed the door and I took off my clothes. I put on the sweats and the hoodie. I opened the door and he was sitting on his bed in a pair of sweats shirtless. Usually. I would be shirtless too but it's not home. I laid down next to him. I watched the TV and let myself fall asleep.

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