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Sokka's POV
I woke up on Zuko's chest. I sat up and looked around. Right. I stayed at his house. His door open and Mai walked in. "Hello." She said. "Hi." I said. "Wake him up. Breakfast is ready." She said. I nodded and she walked off. I looked over at Zuko. "Zuko." I said shaking him. He opened his eyes looking at him. "Mai said breakfast is ready." I said. He nodded and got up. He walked to the door and looked back at me. "You coming?" He asked. I grabbed my phone and got up. Slipping my phone into the hoodie pocket I followed him as he walked. "Good morning!" Ty-Lee said. "Hey." Zuko said. I smiled at her. "Your still here? Zuko must really like you." She said smiling at me. "Mai shut your girlfriend up." Zuko mumbled. I just blushed at her words. Zuko gave me a plate and we sat down at a table. "I have to get home soon." I said. "I'll drive you." Zuko said. I smiled. We talked as we ate. I liked them they were funny. After we finished eating someone took our plates away and Zuko stood up. "Come on." He said. I got up and followed him back to his room. I put on my socks and shoes grabbing my clothes. "Do you want your hoodie back?" I asked. "Keep it." He said. I nodded. "Let's go. I'll drive you home." He said. I followed him. "Leaving already?" Ty-Lee asked me. "Yea. My dad is probably worried." I said to her. "Too bad. Come back soon." She said. I smiled. "It was nice meeting you Sokka." Azula said. "Nice meeting you guys too." I said. Zuko grabbed his keys and we walked out the door. We got in his car and he started driving. I told him the directions. He pulled into my driveway. "This the house?" He asked. "Yea. Thanks." I said. "No problem. Bye Sokka." He said. I smiled and went to get out the car but he grabbed my arm. "What?" I asked smiling. "Can I get your number?" He asked. I smiled and gave it to him. "I'll text you later Sokka." He said. I blushed and smiled getting out the car. I waved as I walked inside. I watched him pull out and drive off. "Where the hell where you?" Katara asked. "Language!" Aang yelled at her. "I was at a friends because you were pissing me off!" I said. "Doing what?" She asked. "Not listening to me Katara. I don't want to date any of your friends. I don't like them that way. So stop." I said. "Why. They are all pretty girls." She said. "Yea they are pretty but that doesn't mean I have to like them." I said to her. She just looked at me. "Sorry." She mumbled. "So you'll stop?" I asked. "Yea. I'll stop." She said. "Thank you." I said. "Who's hoodie is that?" She asked. "Zuko's." I said. "So that's where you were. With Zuko?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm going upstairs. I wanna shower and change." I said walking off. I got my shower stuff ready. After I got out and put on some sweats not bothering with a shirt. I went downstairs straight to the kitchen. I grabbed a water and went to go back upstairs. "Hey Sokka!" I heard Suki say. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "Hey." I said. I saw Toph next to her Aang sitting on the floor Katara on the couch behind him. "Go change." Katara said. "Why?" I asked. "Because we are going out. We're just waiting for Zuko." She said. I looked at her. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I just did. Go change." She said. I was about to say something but Zuko walked in. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey Sokka." He said. "Sokka!" I heard an excited voice say. "Hi Ty-Lee." I said. She poked her head out from behind Zuko. "I'm gonna change." I said quickly making my upstairs. I put on jeans and a shirt. I put my watch on and grabbed some sunglasses. I decided to leave my hair down and I went downstairs. "Oh. I like your hair down." Ty-Lee said. "Thanks." I said smiling at her. "Alright. Everyone ready to go?" Katara asked. We all agreed and walked out the house. "Did you tell her?" Zuko asked me. "No but she agreed to stop." I said. "I still think you should tell her." He said. I nodded. "I will. Eventually." I said. "Sokka!" I heard Ty-Lee squeal. I looked at her and smiled. She happily made her way over to me linking our arms. "So. Your coming over after this hang out thing. Because I miss you." She said. "Ok." I said. She smiled at me. "Yay! We can watch movies and and play games. Oh my god! We're gonna have so much." She said. I smiled at her. "Yea. What games are we gonna play?" I asked her. "Well I was think. Like drinking games. And like board games after the drinking games because everything is more fun when your drunk." She said. "Is it? I wouldn't know." I said smiling. "Don't worry. The more you hang out with me. The more you'll be drunk." She assured me. "Ok. Ty-Lee. Stop go back to Mai." Zuko said. "Jealous he likes me more than you?" She asked. "Who said anything about being jealous?" He asked her. "I did. You want me to go back to Mai. So you can have Sokka all to yourself. New flash Zuko. He's my bestie now." She said. I smiled. I looked over at Katara and she was just looking at me and Ty-Lee smiling. "So. Sokka. We are gonna split from the group and shop on our own." Ty told me. "Ok." I said. "I hate shopping. It's so boring." Mai said. "I say we don't go shopping at all." Azula said. "I would have to agree." Zuko said. "I mean we did shop yesterday." Suki said. "Yea." Aang said. "What. Shopping is amazing." Katara said. "It is but do we have to do it everyday?" I asked her. "I thought you loved shopping." She said. "No. I do. Don't get me wrong. But I just think we should do something different." I said. She sighed. "Fine. What are we gonna do then?" She asked. We decided on going to a park to chill. We were there for a few hours. "I have to head home. Gyatso told me that he needs to take me somewhere to show me something in the morning." Aang said standing up. "Ok. Bye then." Katara said. I waved and he left. I watched as he walked to his house. "Alright. Guess we gonna leave too. Come on Toph." Suki said. The two got up saying goodbye before leaving. "Well since everyone's going home." Katara said getting up. "Yea. Bye guys. Ty-Lee. Promise we can do what you wanted tomorrow. I actually have to be home today. My dad still has no idea where I am." I told her getting. She sighed and got up with me. She gave me a hug. "I will see you tomorrow then." She said. I smiled. "Bye Sokka." Zuko said to me. "Bye." I said walking off with Katara. "You and Ty-Lee look cute together." She said as we walked. I looked at her. "No." I said. "What? It looked like she really liked you." She said. I rolled my eyes turning back around. "Tell dad I'm at a friends." I said speeding up to catch Zuko and them before they could leave. "Wait! I'm sorry!" Katara yelled. I got back to them. "I'm coming with you guys." I said. Ty-Lee clapped and hugged me. "Yay!" She said. "Alright. Let's get back then." Azula said. "Sokka!" Katara yelled. "I'll be back home later!" I yelled back as we got into their cars. I got in with Zuko. Mai and Ty-Lee got in Mai's car and Azula got in hers and left to go pick up her boyfriend, Jet. We drove past Katara and I waved at her. Zuko smilies at me as I turned on the music. I sang to the songs I knew as he drove. He pulled into the huge driveway they have and we got out. Ty-Lee ran over to me linking our arms. "Let's go. We gotta grab the games." She said starting to run unlinking our arms. I ran after her. When we were headed to the living room with the games Ty-Lee stopped. "What?" I asked. "Wanna see something?" She asked me. "Sure." I said. She handed me the games she had and did a handstand. "Put the all the games on my feet." She said. "You sure?" I asked. "Yea." She said. I did as she asked and she started walking. "How do you know how to do that?" I asked. "Practice." She said as we made our way to the living room. Zuko looked at Ty-Lee and rolled his eyes. "Come on. Let's do this." Azula said. I grabbed the games and put them on the table in front of everybody. Ty-Lee stood up on her feet and walked over to Mai and Zuko moved to me. "Ok. So we're gonna do never have I ever. Where are the drinks?" Ty-Lee asked. Azula gave them to her and she pouted everyone a shot. "Take a warm up shot." Ty said. Everyone did as told and I grimaced at the taste. "Never drank?" Zuko asked. "No." I said. "Ok me first. Never have I ever had sex in a car." Ry said. Azula Jet and Zuko took a shot. "Ty you've never had sex in a car?" Jet asked. "Nope." She said. "Ok. Azula." Ty said. "Uhm. Never have I ever came out to my parents." She said. Ty Mai and Zuko took a shot. Azula looked at me. "You haven't told anyone other than us?" She asked. "I told my mom but she died three years ago." I said. "Oh. I'm sorry." Azula said. "It's fine. It happens." I said. "Yea. Mai. I wanna see what you come up with." Azula said. "Never have I ever been cheated on." She said. Ty and I took a shot. "Yay! I'm not alone." Ty said. I smiled. "Sokka. You go." Mai said. "Uh. Never have I ever had a girlfriend." I said. Ty Mai Zuko and Net took a shot. "Really. Not even a cover girlfriend?" Ty asked me. "Nope. A lot of girls liked me when I was younger so. If I dated them I feel like when I wanted to break up they would cry and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings." I said. "Sokka. The lady's man who's into guys." Zuko said. We laughed. "Zuko. You." I said. "I'm making your drink. Never have I ever not been drunk." He said. I rolled my eyes and I took the shot. "Jet." Zuko said. "Never have I ever not smoked." Her said. Ty and I took a shot and we high fived after. This went on for a while and I was starting to feel it. "Sokka chug the rest of the bottle!" Ty said happily. I looked at everybody. "Go ahead we have more." Azula said. I grabbed the bottle and started to drink the rest. Once I was done I put it down. "Yes!" Ty yelled. Ty had Mai put on music and she pulled me up. We dance along to the music. "Here. We're gonna be like salsa dancers." She said. "Yea." I said. We got into that dance position and salsa danced to the music that was play that wasn't salsa. We gave up on the games after drinking and just got drunk. They invited people over and it was a party now. I was drunk and I could feel it. "More drinks!" Ty and I screamed once we got onto a counter. Everyone cheered and everyone got more drinks. I jumped off the counter and Zuko caught me as I was about to fall. I giggled looking up at him. "Come on Sokka! Lets dance!" Ty said. I grabbed her hand and we ran off. We danced around drinking. Get even more waisted then we already were. I don't even know what came over me but now I was swaying my hips and I felt someone come behind me moving along with me. "There are so many guys looking at you like a piece of meat." I heard Zuko say in my ear. "You one of them Zuzu?" I asked. "Just might be. But I'd be crazy not to look at you." He said. I laughed. I danced against Zuko and he moved with me. I turned in his grasp and got on my tippy toes going in for a kiss but not. "Your room." I whispered against his lips. I felt him smirked and then felt my wrist being gripped. He led me to his room quickly. We got inside and he closed and locked the door pushing me against it kissing me. I kissed back instantly. I blacked out and next the I know I'm under Zuko as we kissed hungrily. He pulled off our shirts undoing my pants. Black. My eyes opened. On my stomach moaning loudly. A strong grip on my hips as something pounded into me. "Zuko!" I moaned loudly. Someone. Black. On his lap hands on his chest bouncing up and down. He was lightly biting his bottom lip and he was sweaty but it was so hot. I moaned and he groaned. Black. On my back Zuko hovering over me legs pressed against my shoulder as he fucked into me and god did it feel amazing. "Oh fuck!" I moaned. He leaned kissing my neck. Black. Zuko laying next to me eyes closed. He was sleep. Next thing I know. So was I.

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