Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the PJO/HOO characters
Word Count: 1231
Date Published: September 7 2020

Angelica's POV:

" You ungrateful wretch "

My former adoptive father spat at me, his voice chalk full of venom, eyes burning with hatred and disgust. He pushed me down the stairs of his two-story house, my head hitting the pavement of the winding New York driveway, warm blood oozing from the gash, polluting the water of the puddle I fell in.

This had been my 4th adoptive family in the last four years. All of them had sent me away saying that I wasn't the perfect child they wanted. I didn't mind though, I was better alone.

I assessed my injuries. A concussion and at least a few busted ribs. My former guardian walked over to me and I saw a hungry glint in his eyes like a hunter who had just caught his prey.

Suddenly his nose elongated into a snout and paws formed where his hands should be. His torso grew and suddenly a huge black dog was looming over me. I would have screamed but I had no energy left to do so. My consciousness was slipping away. It reared as it prepared for the kill but before it could pounce, a golden arrow cut through the air and impaled the monster in its side. The dog whimpered in pain before bursting into gold dust.

Beside me was a girl with a worried expression on her face. Then all I saw was black.


When I opened my eyes I saw a large group of girls in front of me.

" She's awake!" One of them called, a grin forming on her face.

Two people stepped out of the crowd and bent down to help me up. The first girl was the one who had helped me earlier. She had electric blue eyes and a crown was nestled into her short black hair. The other person had a long auburn braid that fell over her shoulder and silvery-yellow eyes. They introduced themselves and helped me to my feet.

As we all ate they explained to me that the gods were real and that they were the Hunters of Artemis, A group of immortal female hunters that defeated Greek monsters.

At first this was a lot to wrap my head around. I mean, how are you supposed to react when a goddess and a group of violent women tell you that one of your dead parents is a god and that your half-god too? Even though I hadn't fully taken in what they had said, I still believed it. It was the only explanation of what had happened earlier today.

I fell asleep that night thinking of just how complicated and messed up my life really is.


~ Time Skip: The next day at CHB ~

Annabeth's POV:

I was sitting in the Athena Cabin talking with Malcom about our strategy for Capture the Flag against the hunters later. Malcom spread out a map of the woods on the desk in front of us, dotting possible attack points with a red marker.

" I think we should send the Hermes kids down the middle since they're fast and sneaky and can weaken their main defences. The seven can take the path by the creek and we should put-"

I was interrupted by the conch shell sounding 3 times, signalling that the Hunters had arrived. Dashing out the door of Cabin 6, I almost ran into Percy who was making his was to the borders around camp.

He grinned at me as I stumbled to avoid crashing into him.

" Last one there is a rotting gorgon! " He exclaimed, sprinting ahead of me

" Hey! No fair " I whined but I ran after him, smiling at his childish antics.

The son of Poseidon reached the borders just before I did, both of us panting slightly. He gave me a playful smirk and stuck his tongue at me.

" Oh ya, real mature" I scoffed

" Well, not all of us are children of the wisdom goddess!" He exclaimed

" Oh be quiet, sea spawn "

" Owl face"

"Kelp head"

" Brain on Legs"

" Aquaman"

" Annie "

" Water Boy"

" C'mon Perce, you know your not gonna win this argument" 

A new voice protested. We turned around to see an immortal daughter of Zeus smirking at us.

Percy pouted

" You're one to talk pinecone grace! " He retorted with, smirking at his play on words.

Jason and Nico who had been walking up to join the cousin reunion immediately stopped and dramatically gasped in unison.

" Genius! " They exclaimed before bursting into laughter along with Percy when they saw Thalia's furious face.

" Don't call me Grace, bubble boy " She said through gritted teeth, her hands crackling with electricity

Before a full blown fight could occur between the two powerful children of the big three, I ran up to give my best friend a hug.

She then proceeded to do a complicated looking handshake with Nico and Percy ending with the three of them being shocked, dripping wet and freezing cold. Then Thalia went and gave her little- well technically now older- brother a hug. After they pulled away, Thalia's eyes lit up and she told us there was someone we had to meet.

The lieutenant led us to a clearing where a girl, about 16, was standing, looking around at camp in awe. This was how I immediately could tell that she was a new demigod but unlike our usual beginner recruits, her build was muscular and I could tell she was already a strong fighter. Her waist-length black hair has pulled into a hasty ponytail and had natural-looking blonde highlights running through it but what really took me by surprise were her vivid sea-green iris's and the huge aura of power surrounding her.

I knew Percy saw her unique eyes too because a huge grin had materialized on his face. There was only one godly parent you have to have that colour eyes......

Percy's POV:

I had always wanted a sibling. All the other kids of the big three had one, Nico and Hazel for Hades, Thalia and Jason for Zeus and even though I loved my cousins, it got kind of lonely. Thalia was always with the Hunt, Jason and Hazel at CJ and even though Nico and I hung out a lot, he was busy. The Poseidon cabin was always empty.

This new girl brought hope. Even though I am a seaweed brain, I knew that as far as godly parentage goes, you can only inherent sea-green eyes from one god. And that god happened to be my father.

Thalia stepped forward, probably to introduce the girl, when something stopped her dead in her tracks.

Above the girls head were 3 symbols, each glowing brighter than the last.

The first was an emerald trident emitting a powerful but soft green glow. Next to it was a faded lighting bolt and a pitch black helmet that was so faded, it was barely visible.

I'm pretty sure everyone at camp's jaw dropped in perfect unison.

And that's it! That was my first chapter. What did you think of Angelica? Who's her godly parent? Do you like the story so far?

Vote, Comment and Stay Safe!

- Daughter Of Athena 8527 <3

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