Chapter 2

478 8 4

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the PJO/HOO characters

Word Count: 484

Date Published: September 15 2020

Percy's POV: 

As the symbols started to fade, the girl looked around awkwardly, clearly uncomfortable with the attention. 

Just then Poseidon appeared in front of us and motioned to the girl.

" This is my daughter Angelica. Her mother was a daughter of Jupiter who was blessed by Pluto  so she has the blood of all the big three gods running through her veins. Please treat her well "

(A/N: I know that there hasn't been any children of the big three since World War 2 and that Pluto would never bless a daughter of Jupiter but just go with it..... ) 

He then gave me a small smile as if to say "go on, talk to her! " before flashing back to Olympus.

I was the first one to break out of my state of shock and I walked over to where the newly claimed demigod was standing.

" Hi my name's Percy " I stated waving awkwardly " I'm your half-brother "

As soon as I said the word brother, countless emotions flashed through her deep green eyes. I saw happiness and excitement as well as fear and hurt. Then as quickly as they had come, they disappeared. 

Angelica gave me a weary smile. To many, that smile would have looked nervous or awkward but being in two wars really takes a toll on people and I had gotten good at reading emotions.

" What's wrong? " I asked

Shock rippled through her expression, I guess no one had seen through her calm façade before and any trace of vulnerability was gone in an instant. Her expression hardened, her sea green eyes turning cold. 

She took a step away from me and glanced at the shore line of Long Island South.

" I-I'm gonna go to the beach for a bit " 

She then took off, her footsteps muffled by the sand.

Gods, my only sister and she already hates me.

Just then dad flashed in again.

" I forgot to mention her fatal flaws "

" Wait, fatal flaws? like plural? " Annabeth exclaimed, her grey eyes turning cloudy.

Poseidon nodded. " With great power comes great burdens- like Frank and his firewood or Hazel and her curse. Angelica has two fatal flaws. One is mis-trust. The other- well I'm assuming you'll find out soon enough" 

And with that he disappeared- I swear to all the gods that he is turning into Zeus with these dramatic exits!

I looked to the ocean and saw a small figure sitting on the dock, cradling her knees. 

Annabeth came up from behind me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder. She followed my gaze.

" Must be a child of Poseidon thing " She muttered. Then she spun me around so we were face to face.

" Perseus Achillies Jackson, go talk to your sister! " She said in a mock-scolding tone before pushing me towards the lake.

" Like that went so well last time " I grumbled but I started towards the beach anyway.

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