Chapter 4

406 7 6

Date: October 22 2020

Word Count: 759

3'rd Person's POV:

By the time the annual Capture The Flag game had started, Angelica had already been filled in about the greek world and of Percy's feats told very modestly from the hero himself.  After a lengthy councillors meeting filled with lots of screaming and a very detailed plan of attack from the Athena Cabin, the campers were ready. 

Annabeth and Percy were in the front, a blur of celestial bronze as they tore through the competition fighting back to back as they had many times before. Nico, Frank, Hazel and Piper were right behind them, the occasional hunter getting pelted by rubies or walking to the campers jail against their will. In the skies were Jason and Angelica who had gotten to talk during the councillors meeting while everyone was bickering. They had become fast friends and he had taught her how to fly. Though she hovered well under Jason, Percy figured she was doing a great job for her first time using her powers. 

Percy swiftly disarmed a red-haired hunter who grumbled about ' show-off men ' before stomping away to their jail, revealing a grinning, black haired, blue eyed daughter of Zeus, leaning against the hunters flag. Thalia smirked at him.

" Took you long enough Kelp Head " She joked pulling out the hunting knife and dagger strapped to her side. She got into a battle position and thunder rumbled all around them, lighting flashing in the sky.

Percy gave her his famous lopsided grin and clucked his tongue.

" Tsk Tsk Thals. You're starting to turn into old Drama Queen up there " He said shaking his head teasingly. 

Thunder sounded somewhere in the distance. " Oh shut it Thunder Tights " Percy muttered before turning his attention back to the duel. 

The two cousins circled each other before Thalia lunged at Percy, her strike barely missing the side of his head. 

" Geez Pinecone Face! " He called as another slash sliced his thigh. Percy was vaguely aware of the campers and hunters alike who had gathered around them eager to watch two of the most powerful demigods fight. The son of Poseidon blasted a jet of water towards the girl, knocking her onto the ground. 

" Oh so we're playing dirty now, aren't we Perce " Thalia said her hands cracking with electricity. Percy smirked and summoned a mini-hurricane, encasing himself in a powerful ball of his fathers element. Being the impulsive seaweed brain he is, Percy didn't think of what happened when water and electricity mixed so as Thalia sent a bolt of lightning at him, enough so it would hurt but not strong enough to kill him, they both didn't realize what was happening until Zeus's element met Poseidon's and the effect left Percy sprawled on the floor unconscious. 

" Percy! " Thalia yelled. His shirt was singed around the edges but other than the fact that he was knocked out, the water had prevented him from having any serious injuries. Jason and Angelica landed beside the daughter of Zeus. 

Jason, who knew this was a normal occurrence when his sister and his cousin fought, walked over to Piper to check if she was okay. Angelica on the other hand, had never been in a game of CTF before and seeing her newly acquainted older brother who had done so much for her in such a short time, lying on the floor unconscious, broke a barrier inside of her. She felt power well up in her chest and the daughter of Poseidon's green eyes flashed a deep gold, a colour that could rival the gems Hazel pulled from the earth. Tendrils of power, green, blue and gold wrapped all around Angelica, her straight black-blonde hair whipping around her, eyes alight with power. The waves wrapped together forming a ball of gold light, surrounding its master. The ball of energy exploded, sending a harsh wave of pure power through the forest, knocking out every demigod within a fifty food radius immediately. After the glow subsided, Angelica dropped to the ground, the final bits of her power disappearing leaving almost 80 unconscious demigods in its wake. A very alarmed looking Chiron galloped to the middle of the commotion, taking in the scene in front of him.

" Well! We have our first ever tie! Let's get you all to the infirmary. "    

With that the demigods left the clearing, most of which were dragging unconscious demigods to the very flustered Apollo kids in the infirmary. 

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